“Do you know anyone in your life you would call a superhero? God looks for a humble, compassionate, willing heart.” MaryAnne Constantine
Do you have anyone in your life you would call a superhero? One person comes to mind who has been like a superhero to me.
Lily was gentle, patient, funny, selfless, and one of the most loving people I have ever met. She always had a beautiful smile on her face, even though she lived in a body that did not function properly.
In her early twenties, Lily was diagnosed with life-threatening muscular and neurological diseases and was given a very grim diagnosis of only a few years to live.
Then a miracle happened.
It was Christmas Eve. She was not able to attend the local church service because of her chronic pain. She thought this was it and that she was going to meet Jesus. While lying on the couch she dreamt of being lifted into heaven and seeing Jesus in a meadow filled with magnificent flowers of every color.
Jesus told her that this was not her time. Her life mission was yet unfolding. She woke up with renewed strength and went on to live a life dedicated to Jesus for over 30 more years!
Lily was my superhero prayer warrior. When I first met her, I did not know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Lily’s story inspired me! She lived in the victory of Calvary and the grace of Christ.
Smiles, rainbows and butterflies were some ways she communicated this victory she had in Jesus. Her musical talent was a blessing for praise and worship and clown ministry at her church. She boldly shared her victory in Jesus everywhere she went.
I learned later that Lily had prayed for many years that her baby “twin” brother, Arthur, would find a godly wife.
Arthur, my husband for over 37 years now, was born on Lily’s tenth birthday. Lily prayed we would both know and serve Jesus. Months before she went home to be with the Lord, at age 53, Lily told me that her prayers for us had been answered.
I am so grateful for her love and persistent “superhero” prayers.
Lily was not healed of the effects of her debilitating diseases; however, she was used mightily by God. She had a heart for prayer, especially for those who needed healing. She prayed in faith by laying hands on the sick, and she saw many people recover. Even though she needed a motorized scooter to get around, it didn’t stop her from serving the Lord in the plan He had commissioned for her. She kept her eyes on Jesus and did not allow her painful circumstances to steal her focus away from her calling and purpose.
So many times in Scripture we see God coming to rescue His people by sending superheroes like Noah, Moses, Joshua, Deborah, and other judges or prophets.
Ultimately, at just the right time, God sent His one and only Son Jesus Christ for the perfect rescue of our souls by taking our sin’s punishment on the cross. He is our ultimate superhero! Jesus personally selected disciples on this earth, and now He chooses you and me (Ephesians 1:4).
God has a purpose and plan for our pain. He doesn’t waste a single minute of our lives. He uses it all to shape and mold us into the image of Jesus. As a Christian, you are a little “Christ” in this world. We are called to be His ambassadors to share His love and message. Jesus chooses to put His Holy Spirit into our imperfect bodies. The Spirit provides the power, life, and light of God so we can be His witnesses (Acts 1:8).
As God worked through Lily, He can flow through us regardless of our physical condition. God looks for a humble, compassionate, willing heart.
I have observed these qualities displayed so beautifully in my sister-in-law Lily, in other loved ones who live with constant pain, and in friends who utilize a wheelchair.
He can work through you also! What an amazing impact we can have when we empathize with another person in similar circumstances!
Dear Lord, work through me today so I might walk in my calling to give Your hope and encouragement to others. I pray in Jesus’ name, amen!

MaryAnne Constantine
MaryAnne is a passionate follower of Jesus, wife of forty years to Arthur, and mom to four adult children. A CPA, she founded her own tax business, allowing her to work from home while raising kids. After caring for aging parents in their golden years, she began providing home care for older adults. She also enjoys leading women’s Bible study groups and speaking for retreats. In all she does, MaryAnne seeks to glorify her Lord and Savior and help others experience the joy of His presence!

Intentional Kindness
30 Creative Ways
The kindness of Christ radiates through us when we are patiently present, as we notice and respond to others’ needs, when we ask thoughtful questions, and each time we extend genuine forgiveness.
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