The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent. (Exodus 14:14)



Chronic illness in all its many forms often puts us in a continual state of waiting, daily testing our patience.  It threatens to overwhelm us and drag us into a place of doubt and discouragement.  Scripture reminds us that God is working on our behalf, working in all the chaos, detours, and delays to bring us hope and (one day) eternal healing.

Test results, doctor referrals, surgery dates, cab drives — all different types of waiting that come with chronic illness. Patience plays a huge role in this life and it’s not easy! When it comes to our health, there is a different level of worry that isn’t fully understood until it’s experienced. A tonsillectomy is no big deal until you’re a parent and your three-year-old is on the operating table. Cancer seems incredibly rare until a friend reveals she has been diagnosed with it. Our perspective changes and suddenly, we are desperately waiting on the hope of healing. Traveling the path of patience is hard.

Sweet friend, there is hope — abundant hope, even when the days are long and the wait seems endless. Perhaps you’ve gone from being healthy and thriving to living disabled and limited. Perhaps you’re constantly waiting for the day to be over so you can sleep, numbing the pain for 8 hours. No matter your circumstances, in Christ you DO have eternal hope, even in the waiting.




From Abraham waiting for his promised child to the woman who bled for twelve years while searching and waiting for healing, the Bible is filled with stories about patience.

A quote by Pastor John Piper says, “The strength of patience hangs on our capacity to believe that God is up to something good for us in all our delays and detours.” (John Piper, Battling Unbelief: Defeating Sin with Superior Pleasure)

God’s beautiful promises for our lives come with the need for patience. For us to practice patience, we need genuine faith, believing “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

Patience is not simply the act of waiting but the reflection of our character while we wait. God gives us many tools to live out our waiting with godly patience, including prayer, reading His Word, and community, but He also reminds us of something incredibly important: it’s not on us; it’s on Him.

The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent. (Exodus 14:14)

Silence does not mean to do nothing. Instead, it means trusting that God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. When you are tempted to fall into despair or discouragement in your waiting, remember the promises of the Lord. He loves you (John 3:16). He has a plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Even as you wait, He IS moving, working in and through you (Philippians 2:13).

Remember, you are not alone!



Dear Lord,

We praise you for being the One on whom we can rely for everything! We thank you that by your grace we can hold on to hope, even when our hearts are burdened with longing. Lord, please help us to live with godly patience, clinging to our faith and allowing You to work on our behalf. Help us to trust You and to truly believe that You are working all things for our good. Thank you for being our comfort and strength even in our limitations.

In Jesus’ beautiful name,



  • What is something for which you are eagerly waiting?
  • What does your waiting say about your character to others around you?
  • Have you ever doubted God’s plans for your life because of your limitations?
  • Are you willing to trust God to work something good even in the detours?
Yellow Bubbles
Erin Burkhardt

Erin Burkhardt

Chronic Joy® Contributing Writer

Erin is a grateful follower of Jesus, navigating the different stages of life through the eyes of chronic illness. She has a passion for empowering others by encouraging them to trust God even in the most difficult circumstances. Erin and her husband (along with their two young boys) are purposeful and passionate in living out their faith and loving their neighbors. Her other passions include freelance writing, loom knitting, and fishing!

Called to Hope

Called to Hope

Biblical hope is a settled, determined, and enduring confidence in who Jesus is and what He has promised. Our hope is in Christ alone. The mystery is Christ in us, the hope of glory.

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