Intentional Kindness → Pass It On!

Intentional Kindness

Making the Journey Easier for all of Us!

Kindness is love in action, radical and revolutionary, and proof of the Holy Spirit in us. Intentional kindness makes the journey easier for all of us, so pass it on!

Here is one thing that would complete my joy—come together as one in mind and spirit and purpose, sharing in the same love. (Philippians 2:2)

Happy Bubbles


We all long to be seen and included, to be part of a dynamic and caring community, and to have a close friend.

Kindness is intentionally noticing the people around us and offering them whatever gift we have in order to make their journey easier. Even the smallest, servant-hearted kindness can effect a greater change than we may ever know.

At its core, kindness is selfless and sacrificial. It’s leaning into Jesus and listening for His still, small Voice, stepping out in faith, and learning to care for one another deeply from the heart.

Our individual experiences, talents, skills, passions, time, and treasure enable us to extend God’s kindness to others, making the journey easier for all of us.



Kindness is an act of love, compassion, and understanding that changes not only the life of the receiver but also of the giver. As kindness brings joy to others, it brings joy to our hearts, too.

Jesus was unceasingly, immeasurably, and impartially kind. But to recognize God’s kindness to us, we need first to remember that we deserve no kindness from God. Yet He lavishes us with loving-kindness.

If we follow Jesus’ example, kindness is something we are called to extend to everyone. Yet a life of intentional kindness doesn’t happen overnight.

Be kind and compassionate to one another… (Ephesians 4:32). In the original language, the verb in this passage means “to become,” suggesting that “becoming kind” is something we choose as we grow in faith and into the likeness of Christ, and like most things in life, learning to be kind takes time.

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. (Colossians 3:12)

Those four bolded words, “clothe yourselves with … kindness,” are a useful mental image. As we begin to see ourselves clothed in kindness, others begin to see us that way, too, and the kindnesses we extend will often inspire them to extend kindness, too.



“In this troubled world, it’s refreshing to find someone who still has the time to be kind.” (Helen Steiner Rice)

What if we, who have been slowed down by illness and pain, have a unique opportunity to share God’s love and kindness with others? Things as simple as:

  • a smile.
  • a handwritten note to someone who is struggling or lonely.
  • a kind word for a salesperson or cashier.
  • an encouraging review of your favorite book or charity.
  • leaving a generous tip for a busy server.
  • thanking your nurse and doctor.

 “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Happy Bubbles


How to Brighten a Day with Intentional Kindness

  • Pray about who you can touch with intentional kindness today.
  • Read through the 30 Creative Ways and Kindness Multiplied for His inspiration about what kindness you can offer.
  • Print out the Touch of Kindness gift tags and cut them apart, then be intentionally kind and leave it for someone.
  • Using the Thank a Care Providers Note Starters write notes of encouragement.
  • Day by day, continue to listen for God’s prompts and respond as you sense an intentional kindness opportunity.
  • Encourage your children, grandchildren, friends, and family to extend kindness to brighten a day.

Intentional Kindness

30 Creative Ways

Pause. Seek. Notice.
Be aware of the people around you. Observe the tender prompting of the Spirit. Be intentionally kind and discover what God will do.

Kindness Multiplied

As you think about the kindness you have received and how that made you feel, pass it on to others. Using these creative ideas to inspire kindness will multiply kindness all around you.

Bite-Sized Kindness

Jesus is the best at being kind. And He loves it when we're kind. How could you share the kindness of Jesus today? How does it make you feel to be kind? How does it make those around you feel when you are kind?

Happy Bubbles


One Anothering

Community and relationships can seem challenging, especially with chronic illness. With God's help, we can learn to practice one anothering in a meaningful way.


Seek to do good to one another.
Happy Bubbles


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