Contemplative Coloring
Coloring Your Way Closer to God
Contemplative coloring draws us into the presence of God as we release stress, anxiety, and worries. Color you way closer to God and explore your creativity with hues of red, yellow, blue, vibrant, and pastel.
Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking. (Ezekiel 1:28)
Contemplative coloring is an easy, fun, and practical way to release emotions and lean into God. Choosing to make time to be with God on purpose and intentionally creating a space to listen for God’s gentle whisper. Nurture a deeper relationship with God through the colorful, contemplative practice of praying while coloring.
- Reduces stress and anxiety by decreasing brain activity in the amygdala or fear-center of the brain which governs the fight or flight response.
- Improves focus by fixing our minds on a single, simple task
- Keeps us present and engaged in the moment
- Boosts our creativity
- Helps us handle the discomfort of treatment and the mental stress of a diagnosis.
- Lifts our spirits when we feel sad or depressed
- Helps to improve sleep because coloring is a blue-screen-free activity that can help us relax and maybe even get a better, more restful night’s sleep
Neuropsychologist Stan Rodski says, “Tasks with predictable results, such as coloring or knitting, can often be calming. We started seeing changes in heart rate, changes in brainwaves.”
“Coloring can allow us to be fully engaged, which gives us a break from our thoughts or from distractions that might be happening around us.” (Rebecca Skolnick, PH.D.)
A Place to Begin
- Each of us is creative. Each of us is made in the image of our Creator God, who has woven creativity into our very DNA.
- Set aside a time. Whether it’s morning, afternoon, or before we go to bed, choosing a time to drop everything and spend some time coloring and praying will bless us.
- Pick a favorite spot. Choosing a comfy chair, a desk, or even outdoors creates an inviting spot to spend time each day. Keeping our coloring supplies on hand, along with our Bible, will serve as a reminder to meet with God.
- Invite God. Beginning with an invitation for God to join us reminds us that God is with us always and prepares us to hear from Him. “Speak for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:10)
- Is there scripture? Notice the coloring page as a whole. Is there scripture as part of the page, or does a verse come to mind? Contemplate those words.
- Lines are optional. In contemplative coloring, the lines are simply suggestions. Color within them, on them, draw new lines, and even color outside the lines.
- Notice the colors. What in creation has that color? There’s no need to work hard at thinking about this — we can simply let our minds and hearts be receptive to what God may show us.
- No color is off-limits. Choose colors that have meaning or are appealing. Just go with the impulse and simply enjoy coloring
- Leave blank space. Contemplative coloring is about the journey, peace, rest, and the connection to God. Leaving blank space may be an invitation to return at another time. In fact, those blank spaces may become essential parts of your prayerful creation.
Contemplative Coloring Free Printables

Enter into the Christmas season with two stained glass coloring pages, featuring the holy family and Christmas candles paired with beautiful Scripture verses.

God is Love

God of Wonders

Everything Beautiful

A House is Built

Awe & Wonder

God Richly Gives

Wind Blows

Seedtime & Harvest

Abundant Rain

Birds of the Sky

God Richly Gives

More Valuable

Friendship & Love
Grab your favorite colored pencils or paints and lean into the words of Jeremiah 31:3 and Proverbs 17:17. God loves you with unfailing kindness and everlasting love. Share that love with a friend today.

Robert Mc'Cheyne-Joy
Let the words of Scottish minister Robert Murray Mc'Cheyne lead you into joy as you color this lovely stained glass image.


For A Mother's Soul
May God shower His blessings on all mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, mothers-in-law, and mother-like figures. May He give grace and strength for all your days.

Celebrate Little Things Everyday
Celebrate each small win, every tiny triumph, and every unexpected victory, even if today your milestone is just a pebble.

The Fruit of the Spirit
The Fruit of the Spirit is a grace-filled, mercy-rich, steadily deepening soul growth in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). As we lean into Jesus, His Spirit guides ours, and His fruit flourishes within us.

Child of God

Walk by Faith

Joy of the Lord

Rooted in Love

Sing to the LORD

Delight Yourself

Be Glad