Hold Onto Possibility Everyday - Ask. Listen. Love. Prevent Suicide One Precious Life at a Time.


Hold Onto Possibility Everyday

 Are you thinking about ending your life? Reach out for support. Are you concerned about a friend or loved one ending his or her life? Ask. Listen. Love. Pray

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Suicide Facts • Hold Onto Possibility Everyday

Asking a loved one, “Are you thinking of ending your life?” makes a difference.

From 2007 to 2017 suicide increased 56% for people aged 10-24.

Ask. Listen. Love.

About Suicide & Depression

Every 40 seconds one person in the world ends his or her life. This is more than 800,000 precious people every year.

In the US, suicide is the tenth leading cause of death. Depression is the primary reason for suicide, accounting for one death approximately every 12 minutes.

While the loss of every single life is heartbreaking, it’s shocking to realize that from 2007 to 2017 suicide rates increased 56% for people aged 10-24.

Happy Bubbles
Hold Onto Possibility Everyday • Reach Out For Support

Reach Out For Support


988 Lifeline
988 or 1-800-273-8255




116 123

0800 689 5652

Happy Bubbles

Prayer of Hope and Possibility


God our Creator, you give breath to each person you made.

You treasure the gifts of each unique person, but when life becomes a burden rather than a gift,

God of life, hold us.

When darkness strangles the will to live, when days become endless nights,

God of light, shine on us.

When no one seems to understand, when we walk and wait alone,

God of love, embrace us with your presence.

Where there is despair, bring hope; where there is shame, give value and worth; where there is emptiness, bring fulfillment; where there is suffering in mind and body, bring healing.

God of hope, hear our prayer for life.

Cindy Holtrop, Pathways to Promise 

We might be overlooked by others, but we are handpicked by God.
Happy Bubbles

Tools For Suicide Prevention


1.  ASK

Is someone you love thinking of ending their life? It can be a very hard question to ask, but asking a loved one if he or she is suicidal can prevent the loss of a precious life.



An important part of suicide prevention is removing access to items that may be used to end a life. Ask your loved one if they have a plan to end their life. Start the conversation. Listen. Ask. Love.



Listen, lean in, and learn what your loved one is feeling and thinking. Acknowledging and talking about suicide may help reduce suicidal thoughts.



Do a search for hotlines, chat options, and websites. Save these for easy access. Help your loved one make a plan to connect with trusted family members, friends, pastors, and mental health professionals.



Offer to pray with your loved one and continue to pray for him/her.


It makes a difference if you contact your loved one after a crisis just to check-in. Studies have shown that the risk of suicide decreases when we extend care and concern.

Be the Hope. Ask. Listen. Love. Pray.
Happy Bubbles

Suicide Prevention Posts

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