Chronic Joy® Prayer Pond

Prayer Pond

Request Prayer & #PrayItForward with TLP
(Tender-Loving Prayer)

Share prayer requests at the Prayer Pond—safe, secure, and always without judgment. Step into intercessory prayer when you #PrayItForward with Tender-Loving Prayer (TLP).

A similar thing happens when we pray. We are weak and do not know how to pray, so the Spirit steps in and articulates prayers for us with groaning too profound for words. (Romans 8:26)

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The Chronic Joy Prayer Pond is a safe place to request prayer – and #PrayItForward with Tender-Loving Prayer (TLP) is how you can lovingly pray for others.  There could be no greater catchphrase for prayer than TLP. Prayer can move mountains and usher in miracles. Through prayer, we discover that God is good even when we aren’t healed, the pain doesn’t abate, our situations don’t change, our child remains a prodigal, or our loved one dies. God is good all the time!

“Jesus persisted in heartfelt, humble prayer while surrendering to God’s will over His own. If Jesus modeled this while on earth, especially before the most challenging trial of His life, how much more should we be praying, particularly during seasons of difficulty?” (Nicole Furno)


God calls us to pray humbly and compassionately, growing in selflessness as we learn to sacrifice our time and energy for one another. This is intercessory prayer, a calling to pray for those we know, those we don’t know, those we love, and those who speak against or mistreat us. (Luke 6:27)

TLP is as quick as a few keystrokes. Leave your request, then #PrayItForward for someone else. When you click the “I PRAYED FOR THIS” button, the requester (at their discretion) will receive an email saying, “Someone just prayed for you!” Receiving this message is the very best kind of TLP.

As soon as you leave your request, you will receive an email saying, “Your Prayer Request Has Been Received.” That email includes a link to let us know when your prayer has been answered or to remove your request from the Prayer Pond.


Chronic illnessmental illnesschronic pain, or disability can deplete our spirits, causing us to feel purposeless, anxious, and alone. Sitting at the edge of a quiet pond, tossing a prayer into its depths, and watching the water ripple out toward the far shores is what happens when we request prayer and share praises. As a community of intercessory pray-ers, we lift one another before the Lord with TLP, blessing one precious life at a time.

How often do we hear, “Prayer is the least I can do,” when prayer is the absolute best we can do?

You are invited to share your prayer requests and praises related to chronic illness to our Prayer Pond using the form below. Once your note is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free visit us often and share updates!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Please pray for me. I've been dealing with depression and anxiety, and also chronic pain. I've been told my condition is curable but I often lack hope and faith that it won't be like this forever especially lately. So I would like to ask for prayers that God will give me hope and faith that it is curable. Also, please pray for my mom as she has been dealing with her own chronic health issues and physical pain.

Received: July 21, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

Linda joy Evans

Pray for grandpa Roland please. He has been very anxious and panic-y today and refusing to eat. Pray for his healing and pray for me too as all of this is weighing heavy on me. Pray he would be able to sleep and get rest. Pray I could get rest and not be exhausted from lack of sleep or emotional heaviness.

Received: July 15, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

April Gaines

April G. Holly MI. Upper left jaw bone, tooth socket # 12 & 13 infection.

Don't want surgery # 6 please help.

Received: July 15, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.

Linda B

Thank You for your prayers. It truly lifts my spirits when I receive a message in my email showing "Someone just prayed for you". I have chronic health issues with my sinus and throat. Please pray that my next doctor's appointment goes well. God Bless all of you!

Received: July 10, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.

Andrea B.

After months and months of trying to get in with a pain specialist (one of many chronic issues I have) the Lord blessed me with an appointment for one, my first meeting with them is tomorrow (Wednesday July 10th, at 1:30pm) and I'm asking for prayer that it goes well, I can't keep going to the ER every other day for pain control. I know the Lord brought me to this doctor for a reason but any and all prayers are much appreciated

Received: July 9, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.

Chris S

I come asking for prayers again for my husband, whose sobriety was short-lived. I know that if the Son sets him free, he will be free indeed. May Jesus draw him to himself and saving faith. And may I always respond in love and wisdom for His name sake.

Thank you so much for praying.

Received: July 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 30 times.


I was diagnosed with M.E, pots about 2 years ago , and few months ago I had my first proper crash and I've been severely ill since, I also suffer with severe anxiety.

I'm 21 years old.

Can you please pray for my healing.

when I'm feeling ill I usually pray to God for joy. And He provides.

Received: July 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 31 times.


Please pray for my family and for me. I'm in the process of figuring out treatment for some kind of inflammatory arthritis. I also have osteoporosis. Please pray that God will guide us to the right doctors and provide healing if that is His Will.

Received: July 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 42 times.

Ruth Joann Ortega

Mammogram 3 days ago they saw something. On 7-2 I have a ultrasound on right breast.

Received: June 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 46 times.

Connie Harnden

My husband has Covid and is self employed, please pray for his healing and that I don’t get it.

Please pray for my healing as well as I have gotten very ill due to a recent surgery and allergies on top. Thank you so much.

Received: June 21, 2024

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Free Prayer Printables

Pray for One Another

Prayer can move mountains, usher in miracles, and change us, opening our minds to the suffering others face and the circumstances they experience. As we pray, we grow in gratitude, humility, and hope.

Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory prayer is a conduit of God’s mercy and grace. As we pray for others, we grow in compassion, patience, and humility, learning to love one another as we love ourselves.

Prayers for the Journey

These short prayers can strengthen, encourage, and inspire you to step into the comforting presence of God, where you are fully known, infinitely cared about, and deeply loved.

Prayer is...

Make Your Life a Prayer

Make Your Life a Prayer supplies Scripture verses and quotes inviting you to step into God's compassionate and tender-hearted presence.

15 Prayers to Share • Note Starters

These prayers are an invitation to settle in with God. Then an opportunity to love one another. Pull out a Chronic Joy flat card, and share a meaningful prayer with a friend of loved one. It's always the right time to #PrayItForward.

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