Slow down. Breathe deep, and draw near to God, experiencing His Presence in abundant, exceptional, and wildly generous ways as you respond to His precious invitation, “Come,” just as you are.

Happy Bubbles

In the Garden of Eden, God invited Adam and Eve to walk with Him in the cool of the day. There was no agenda or dress code, no necessary preparations. He simply invited them to join Him, walk with Him, talk with Him, be with Him.

Often, we overthink prayer, complicating it by seeking the right words, the right time, or the right place, the perfect formula. We are so afraid of getting it wrong that we fail to pray at all.

Teresa of Avila said, “Prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.”

We don’t overthink talking with our friends – sharing news, good and hard, catching up after time apart, asking their advice, letting them help to carry what is hard. We don’t seek the right words, right time, right place, or perfect formula. No, we simply pick up the phone, knock on their door, or sit down at their table and share.



Yet talking with God seems complex and uncomfortable. We feel awkward and tongue-tied. We don’t know what to say or how to say it — and we’re not alone. Our anxiety over prayer stems from that very first bite of forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. It was the moment everything between God and His creation changed.

Yet His precious invitation stands. “Come.

However, we are, wherever we are, with words and without, freshly showered or after days in our pajamas, day or night, God invites us to be with Him.

We hope these pages will draw you into the Presence of God, not through formulas or words or templates, but through experiences and new ways to think about prayer, enter into prayer, and be with Jesus.

Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters… (Isaiah 55:1)

Happy Bubbles

Hover over an image for a brief description and a link to learn more.


Chronic Joy® Devotionals



Experience the fresh grace of God with Chronic Joy® Devotionals. Take one gentle step today, lift one precious life, pray for one more minute, and discover greater joy in Jesus. LEARN MORE.


Chronic Joy® Prayer Pond


Share prayer requests at the Prayer Pond—safe, secure, and always without judgment. Step into intercessory prayer when you #PrayItForward with Tender-Loving Prayer (TLP). REQUEST PRAYER.


Axe Head Prayer • Have You Lost Your Edge?


Have you lost your edge? As we open our hands in surrender, speaking honestly with God about where we lost our edge, what feels like loss actually draws us deeper into God. LEARN MORE.


Breath Prayers connect us to God with every breath.

Every breath is an extraordinary and sacred gift. Without it, we die. That’s what makes breath prayers so powerful. They connect us to God with every breath. LEARN MORE. 


Holy Attention

Holy Attention, the spiritual discipline of noticing – of being intentionally aware of – God and His creation, draws us into fresh gratitude, recognizing His Hand in every atom of creation. LEARN MORE.


Lament - Crying out to God in Prayer

Pushing our pain aside, hiding it, or feeling shame because of it, diminishes our human experience. If Jesus wept and cried out in anguish, why do we feel it is somehow faithless to honestly express lament? LEARN MORE.


Lectio Divina is the ancient practice of slowly, contemplatively reading the words of Scripture.

Lectio Divina is the ancient practice of slowly, contemplatively reading the words of Scripture, an invitation to savor God’s Word as we are nourished, fed, and refreshed in His holy presence. LEARN MORE.


Faith-Filled Music as Prayer

Faith-filled music stirs our souls and draws us deeper into worship, uniting us with the Body of Christ on earth. The rhythm and poetry of music invite us on a beautiful journey of enduring prayer as we learn to pray through our deepest longings in new ways. LEARN MORE.


Pain opens the door to compassion.

Pain opens a door to compassion. • Pain, cultivated by the Spirit’s compassion, invites us to care deeply for one another, grow together, suffering with one another so that none of us are isolated or alone. Pain opens the door to the Spirit’s compassion in us. LEARN MORE.


Praying Continually

To pray continually is to reorient from task to presence (less about constant communication than about abiding presence), leaning into a quiet and tender closeness with God. LEARN MORE.


Prayer of Examen


Beautiful in its simplicity, the Examen is an ancient prayer of reflection that helps refocus our hearts and minds. LEARN MORE.


Prayer Journaling can become a touchstone of God’s love and faithfulness and a reminder of His Presence.

A prayer journal can become a touchstone of God’s love and faithfulness, a reminder of His Presence, and a testimony to God’s abundant mercy and grace. LEARN MORE.


Praying the Psalms

The Psalms are filled with raw honesty, calm reflection, and deep wisdom – words we can say to God when we cannot find our own. LEARN MORE.


The Questions of Jesus


The Questions of Jesus draw us into Scripture, invite us into prayer, strengthen and deepen our faith, and help us to identify what we believe and why. LEARN MORE.


Show Me, Lord (Prayer)


Are you overwhelmed, weary, discouraged, or unsure of how to live this life you’ve been given? There are three words you can always pray: “Show me, Lord.” LEARN MORE.


Suffering and joy are two strands of a single fiber. Joy thrives in the midst of suffering.


Suffering and joy are two strands of a single fiber. Joy thrives in the midst of suffering, for it is not rooted in circumstance but born of the knowledge that God is present in every moment of our lives. LEARN MORE.

Happy Bubbles
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