Chronic Joy® Publishing
A Labor of Love
Words steeped in prayer become a courageous harvest of books.
Are you struggling? Wounded? Suffering? Lonely? Fraying at the edges? You are not alone. Step into a new journey through illness with Jesus, and discover just how radically, perfectly you are loved.
I [the LORD] … make the withered tree thrive. (Ezekiel 17:24)
Learn to thrive in a life affected by illness and pain!
The Thrive Study Series invites you to discover the imperishable hope rooted in Christ alone, God’s precious purpose for your life, your enduring, God-ordained worth, and the deep and abiding joy of the Lord.

DISCOVERING HOPE: Beginning the Journey Toward Hope in Chronic Illness
Cindee Snider Re
This 10-chapter study invites participants to experience radical hope and compassionate change in a life with chronic illness.
No matter how dark the days, how wild the storm, how deep the valley, or how long the winter, there is hope.
There is always hope.

FINDING PURPOSE: Rediscovering Meaning in a Life with Chronic Illness
Cindee Snider Re
What if purpose looks different than we believe?
In this 10-chapter study, author Cindee Snider Re invites participants to release cultural and traditional definitions of purpose and, instead, embrace God's timeless definition. Rooted in His Word, His definition is as refreshing as a gentle spring rain.

EMBRACING WORTH: Understanding Your Value in a Life with Chronic Illness
Cindee Snider Re
This 10-chapter study powerfully reminds us that our value isn’t found in what we can or cannot do but in Christ alone. Regardless of what we’ve lost through chronic illness, this isn’t the end of our story. Despite our circumstances, in the midst of the hard when we’re not sure we can take even one more breath, God is still good.

Chronic Joy Publications
Your love offering makes it all possible.
Abide Series
Learn to abide in the love and compassion of Christ.
The Abide Series explores the rich, diverse, and dynamic topics experienced by those affected by chronic illness, mental illness, and chronic pain. Learn what it means to lean into Jesus, to rest on Him, and to pour our hearts out to Him.
I TAKE YOU IN SICKNESS & IN HEALTH: Marriage with Chronic Illness
Cindee Snider Re
Rejuvenate, revitalize, rekindle, and reconnect by using this insightful and enriching 10-chapter study (designed just for couples) that offers you and your spouse a safe place to grieve, heal, grow, dream together, and thrive as one—in sickness and in health.
THE WONDERFUL LAND OF AFFLICTION: Exploring Adversity through Allegory
Barbara Coleman
Have you ever met a suffering person who was still smiling? Do you understand why distress and anguish crush some folks and not others? Come and meet the pilgrims in this Land of Affliction who have learned the eternal key to being joyful, hopeful, and patient through peril.

Creative Ways to Use Chronic Joy Posts & Publications
Talking about the impact of chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability on our lives can be incredibly difficult. Sometimes, we are unsure what we think or how we feel, either for ourselves or for our friends or loved ones.

Companion Resources
Friends for the Journey
Discover friendly guides for building safe micro-communities, exploring purpose in new ways, discovering creative ideas for service, and growing at the pace of grace.
These topical books streamline concepts into accessible, relatable, easy-to-use, quick-reference resouces.

#PenToPaper: Note Starters for Every Day
This book is brimming with inspiration and is chock-full of note starters. Find words to express compassion, gratitude, celebration, grief, and laughter. Discover fun ways to write to a special child in your life. You will even spot note-starters for difficult relationships. You’ll turn to this faith-filled and thoughtfully curated resource again and again!
Who will you write to today?

SERVANT-HEARTED LEADERSHIP: Called to Listen, Lead, and Love Like Jesus
Chronic Joy
This one-of-a-kind resource book includes 12 chapters, each followed by actionable, practical tips for growth that you will turn to again and again.

Downloadable Hope!
Resources, tips, and tools to encourage and inspire everyone affected by chronic illness. There are more than 150 beautifully-designed FREE printables, with more coming regularly. Stop by and download a little hope today — and be sure to check back often to see what’s new!

Explore Series
Devotional Memoirs
The Explore Series invites you into the presence of Jesus through inspiring vignettes, Scripture verses, reflection questions, prayers, and the real-life stories of those whose lives are affected by chronic illness, mental illness, or chronic pain.

JOURNEY INTO LIGHT: 31 Days Adventuring with God
Gayl Wright
Each of the 31 chapters is woven from a tapestry of Scripture, poetry, glimpses from the author’s life, prayer, and reflection questions inviting you to rediscover God’s presence with you in everyday life.

ABIDING IN HIM: A Life Together in Ministry
Bettie & Barry Gilbert
Each of the twelve chapters in this devotional memoir includes a heartfelt prayer and reflection questions inviting you to discover God at work in the hard and joy-filled places in your own life.