Printables • Downloadable Hope

Printables • Devotionals

Downloadable Hope!

Chronic Joy printable devotionals are an invitation to nurture and grow your spiritual life. Experience the fresh grace of God and take one gentle step with one of our thoughtfully written, FREE printable devotionals. There are always more coming. Step in, check back, download a little hope today.




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Abide in Me: Independence, Chronic Illness and Dependence on the Lord

When you’re struggling with any loss of independence in your life, turn your heart toward the Lord. Remember that all of us, even people who are not chronically ill, are truly dependent on God for everything -- and abiding in Him is the secret to producing fruit.

Axe Head Lost

The axe head I had dropped, was surrender, death to self, and life in Him. He could teach me how to relax into the work He has for me.

Are You Desperate for Hope?

When I feel desperate, I forget that my greatest need is not different circumstances. My greatest need is God himself. He alone can give me peace in the storm, hope in his word.

Bathroom Mirror Messages

Have you ever found a scripture so powerful or rich that you read it daily? What scripture is God prompting you to lean into today and in the days ahead?

Blessed in Dependence

We can either worry or lean into the Lord's help. For me, I admit my desperate dependence on His strength for the good and bad days.

Breath Prayers: Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat. Discover the Lord's compassion and an effective way to counteract pain-related anxiety with breath prayers.

Bucket Lists & Chronic Illness

Chronic illnesses can make us feel like dumping our "buckets." How about trying a different kind of bucket list and dreaming again?

Clinging to Christ - Stability When Life Gets Squirrelly

When life creates chaos and challenges arise, to whom do you turn? This world offers many possible solutions to our struggles, but only Jesus offers the stability we need to grow and thrive in the life God has given us.

A Ding of Encouragement

What a blessing it has been to hear a ‘ding’ on my phone and know that someone has lifted me in prayer. There have been times when I have been worrying and then received a notification that someone has just prayed.

Do Not Despise Small Beginnings

Movement has become my favorite part of the day. Alone, I can do little, but with God, my time, strength, courage, and prayer, become immeasurably more than all I could ask or imagine. Always at the pace of grace.

The Door Pain Built

There is a door that is beautiful to me. It was bought and paid for by my best friend, the One who loves me most. He paid for it with His life so I can use it – and, boy, do I!

Exploring Strength in Weakness

Accepting weakness isn’t a sign of defeat. It shows that we trust God. Strength in Christ comes from recognizing weakness in ourselves.

Finding Hope in A Wishful World

It’s a difficult time for humanity. Recent events have made the world desperate for security, looking for hope in all kinds of places when it can only be found in Christ.

Finding Rest in God

The persistent press of chronic pain makes me weary. Resting in God Himself – surrendering my fears and hopes – offers a fresh perspective.

For Such a Time as This: Your Unique Qualifications

What if your unique hardships/trials enable you to encourage others as they move along in their life?

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit is a grace-filled, mercy-rich, steadily deepening soul growth in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). As we lean into Jesus, His Spirit guides ours, and His fruit flourishes within us.

The Gift of Choosing Gratitude

A life of gratitude does not come from material things or fleeting emotions, but by choosing a faith-filled life trusting in God’s promises. While circumstances can be difficult, the hope of eternity can move us to be grateful here and now, knowing what is to come is greater than anything here on earth.

God's Got It - No Worry Needed

Every day our culture bombards us with messages of self-empowerment. We are told to take charge of our life, push ourselves to the max, and have a “can do” attitude. Every day your illness may bring many challenges, but you can rest in God’s loving arms, reminding yourself, “God’s got it!” You were never meant to do this alone!

Grieving & Hope Devotional

There are times in our lives to mourn and grieve, but it is so important not to lose hope. For those of us who know Jesus, we cling to an everlasting hope. Grief is something we must work through, and it cannot be rushed.

Gratitude through Prayer

Gratitude can be a challenging concept when chronic illness is our constant companion. Being with family and friends is a gift, but it is also a drain on already low energy reserves.

Healing Whispers

Wherever you are most comfortable, talk or write to God anything that you’re able to express. Be honest and don’t worry about being articulate. God is a reader of the heart. His healing whispers may comfort you as you pray and read His word.

In the Emergency Room: God Brings Beauty from Trials

Chronic illness can feel like you’re in a never-ending cycle of medical crises, going from one emergency to the next. It makes us wonder why God allows such things to happen. Chronic illness is painful, but pain can be turned into unexpected beauty.

In Jesus’ Name: Three Simple Words for Intentional Reflection

Taking things for granted happens in many areas of our lives – but intentionally pausing to reflect can reorient us. Recently, I reflected on the phrase “in Jesus’ name.”

Invisible Yet Always Seen

The invisible nature of chronic conditions is common and widespread. In His kindness, God sees and supports us in our afflictions.

Joy & Suffering

I was trying to face my challenges the way I thought God wanted me to, but striving day by day in my failing body made me feel like I was failing at exhibiting external joy to others.

Keep Listening

I maintained my regular morning quiet times but sensed a new distance from the Lord. I will seek, wait, and listen still – but speak, Lord.

Leaving Hope Behind

Hope is a gift from God (and what a precious gift it is!), but the biggest gift of all will be the day when we no longer have a need for it. We will leave hope behind and move forward into eternity to recognize the glorious fulfillment of all our earthly hopes.

My Complicated Glasses • A Prayer

Rest. I want to rest for just a moment, but my mind can’t stop. What is this quiet place where You have invited me? It isn’t the absence of sound and activity but an awareness of the small. Lord, You are here in this moment, in this space – sacred yet simple.

Never Alone: God's Unending Mercies

Christ understands everything we go through because he lived it first. While it might be difficult to see small pieces of joy during chronic illness, God’s mercies truly are unending.

A New Look at a Recipe Book

God prompts us to pray for others in many ways: through a memory or a photo of a loved one, rereading a birthday or Christmas card, or even through a recipe book. As God prompts today, pray and let that person know.

No Longer Two, But One

We long to walk side-by-side through life, loving one another so deeply from the heart that we never want to let go. What small thing could you do to remind your spouse that you will not let them go?

One Anothering

Relationships can be challenging, especially with chronic illness. God can help us learn to practice "one anothering" in a meaningful way.

Our Steady Hope

After prayerful reflection, I knew the answer was “Yes.” God reminded me that my hope was ultimately in Him, beyond any human wisdom or cure.

Peace that Prevails

I love the word prevail, especially when paired with peace. Knowing I can have an inner calm, even when pain triggers anxiety, settles my soul.

Simple Silence: A Quiet Place to Rest

Are you also feeling those anxious mind-racing thoughts that threaten to pull your heart down? Our Lord Jesus has called us to lay the weight down and find His quiet rest.

Sharing Your Story

We all have a story to tell, and each one is a vital part of the mosaic, an integral piece of the whole. Incomplete, insufficient, and disconnected on its own, our story connects with others to create an exquisite, complete masterpiece.

Songs as Prayers for the Faint or Weary

Lord, we are so glad that we can sing our prayers to You! Often, singing is the only way we can muster up the words and connect with the emotions.

Tiny Raindrops

Because of changes due to my illnesses, my offerings to God seem like tiny raindrops, but they are like a crashing waterfall to God.

Tree Rings

Trees add a new layer of wood every year. A thicker ring may show that there was a lot of rain and sunlight that year. A thinner ring may mean the tree didn’t get as much water or sun. What if we pictured our lives like tree rings? What would cause thicker or thinner rings?

Two are Better: Caregiving Together

While I am living a journey with chronic pain that I never asked for, I realized my husband was also thrust into this journey, walking a road he never expected.

Waiting in Winter

Exchanging our expectations for God-focused expectancy leads to faith and joy. He is trustworthy for every season, even waiting in winter.

What If These 12 Seconds Are All We've Got?

Sometimes, no matter how often we read the Word or pray, the darkness of illness and pain is all we can see. Yet even in our darkest moments, there is hope, for God is with us every step of the way.

When Anxiety Strikes, Seek God First

It all comes down to this idea of trust. It’s about getting our priorities in order and paying attention to what we view. It’s about remembering who we are and – most importantly – who YOU are.

You are Fully Known: Jesus Understands

You might feel like no one understands you, but Jesus knows exactly what you are going through because he walked through it while on Earth.

Happy Bubbles
Devotional Guide

Devotional Guide

Chronic Joy® devotionals are an invitation to take one gentle step, to pray in a comforting and familiar or perhaps new-to-you way, or to cry out on behalf of one precious life today … maybe even yours.

Let's Pray!

Let's Pray

Let's Pray is an invitation to develop your Prayer Care Plan.

Slow down. Breathe deep and draw near to God, experiencing His presence in abundant, exceptional, and wildly generous ways.


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