Posts by Diana Trautwein

Diana R.G. Trautwein

Diana R.G. Trautwein

Chronic Joy® Contributing Writer & Creative

Diana is a follower of Jesus, wife to Richard since 1965, mom to three adult children, blessed MIL to their three spouses, Nana to 8 grandkids ranging in age from 13-32, and GMIL to one amazing young woman (who just passed her doctoral dissertation in mathematics - hooray!). She has been a stay-at-home mom, a small business owner, a mid-life seminary student and TA, and a pastor for over 20 years. Diana is also a certified spiritual director and a Chronic Joy® Contributing Writer & Creative. Connect with her at

Happy Bubbles

Celebrate the Gift of Today

Pause right now and say. “Ah, the gift of this day! Thank you, Lord.” Help us to acknowledge and celebrate Your continuing presence with us.


"Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Happy Bubbles
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