Parenting with Chronic Illness

Parenting with Chronic Illness

Raising Children When You’re Sick

Parenting with chronic illness brings countless challenges, but there is abounding peace and overflowing grace surrounding every limitation as we learn to lean on Jesus step by step.

More than half of people live with chronic illness.
1 in 5 adults lives with chronic illness

About Parenting

Parents want to be active, caring for, protecting, teaching, and training their children. Parenting with chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and/or disability can be a real challenge. Often parents feel guilty, weary, anxious, depressed, lonely, and sad.

More than 60% of the world’s population lives with one or more chronic illnesses.

Reportedly about 20% of the population lives with mental illness.

All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
(2 Corinthians 4:15-16)

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Find hope, encouragement, and practical resources for your unique parenting journey. The daily trials of parenthood are magnified when we are chronically ill, but there is also untold grace and an incredible future planned for us and for our children. Discover refreshment for your soul and heart-touching stories for your heart as you parent with chronic illness.


Parenting with chronic illness can feel like trying to climb a mountain while carrying a mountain. Despite the many challenges, God will never leave our sides. Our children were given specifically to us, and we were given specifically to them.

The unique circumstances of parenting with chronic illness can leave us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

From diapers, bottles, and play dates to guiding a wayward teen, parenting is a complex and beautiful privilege. To be entrusted with the heart and soul of another human being is a gift from God, but parenting is far from easy, regardless of our circumstances. It humbles and challenges us in ways we never thought possible, pulling our emotions in vastly different directions, while draining our physical and mental energy.

What happens when we can’t change the diapers or prepare the meals or drive our kids to school?

Perhaps pregnancy and birth flared an underlying illness and we are now powerless to care for our little ones. Maybe we’re afraid to open our eyes each morning because just the thoughts of the days’ tasks are overwhelming and leave us feeling hopeless.

How do we intentionally shape the hearts of our children when we can’t even get out of bed?

Where do we turn when our little ones need our loving guidance, but we’re in the hospital?

How do we get our children fed, bathed, clothed, and their emotional tanks filled up when we are not even able to meet own needs?

Guilt and shame can also creep in as we see what other parents do with their children, but no matter how we feel, we are not alone.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

Welcome to a community of fellow travelers on this parenting journey. Come and find rest for your soul and hope that is rooted in the truth of God’s Word.


While every parent-child relationship is different, Chronic Joy believes Christ is the solution to our struggles and the healing of our pain. We don’t have all the answers, but we can encourage one another to pursue Christ with our whole hearts and to trust Him with the tender souls of our children.

We are exactly who God made us to be: wonderfully made and created in love to parent our children. God will show us how, lighting each step along the way.

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