Biblical one anothering in chronic illness

“… always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.” (1 Thessalonians 5:15b) “Did you know the phrase “one another” is used 100 times in the New Testament?” Kara Plett


Did you know the phrase one another is used 100 times in the New Testament? It must be important! Can you think of a one another phrase? Maybe “Love one another” or “Encourage one another” come to mind.



Community and relationships (or one anothering) can seem challenging when dealing with chronic illness. A chronic condition can cause people to pull away from others rather than press into relationships. It could be the frustration of serving others in a fatigued body or opening yourself up again when you may have felt misunderstood or hurt by someone. You may even wonder if you have anything to offer others. Do any of these situations resonate with you?

We were created for relationships and community. God did not want us to journey alone. He is with us, and we get to walk beside others – to love and be loved.

Ponder this scriptural quote: always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. (1 Thessalonians 5:15b)

The word seek tells us to actively search for ways to do good to others.



One way to start this active search is to pray through the 33 Biblical One Another Verses printable. Allow the Spirit to speak to you, challenge you, and encourage you as you work through the verses. You may notice themes of unity, love, encouragement, and humility.

Many Bible verses in the printable concern our thought lives: passing judgment, bearing with one another, forgiveness, grumbling – do you feel God nudging you?

Each one another is achievable with God’s help, even if we aren’t physically in someone’s presence. One another actions, like carrying each other’s burdens, encouraging others, building each other up, and praying for each other can be done anytime and anywhere.

Could we be creative with the how? We may not physically be able to wash one another’s feet, but we can do things right where we are, maybe enacting love and encouragement with a quick text, a video call, or sending a card with an uplifting scripture verse.

As you pray through the verses provided on 33 Biblical One Another Verses, jot down ways to practically carry them out. Write down the names of people God brings to mind. I hope you find God filling you with purpose and courage as you consider your calling to see the needs of others and ways God can use you to meet them.

Let’s get on with one anothering!



Father, You have given many instructions on caring for each other in Your word. Help us to act on the promptings You lay before us today and continue to talk with You about how we can journey with one another from where we are. Give us wisdom, creativity, and courage to step out as You lead. In Jesus’ name, amen.


  1. On which one another verse is God prompting you to reflect?
  2. Who is one person you want to reach out to?
  3. Would you search for ways to serve others this week? Create a list – then DO those things!
Yellow Bubbles
Kara Plett

Kara Plett

Chronic Joy® Staff Writer and Prayer Team

Kara and her husband Conrad live in Calgary, Canada, where she was a teacher for 28 years. She loves the Word of God and encourages others through her devotional writing. Kara felt led to write a book of devotionals (Searching for Sea Glass) when her journey with chronic illnesses pressed her into God’s arms of love more deeply. She prays that her journey and refinement will encourage you in your walk with God.

33 Biblical One Anothers

33 Biblical One Anothers

Pray through these 33 One Another Verses, meditating on what it means to love one another deeply from the heart as we learn to walk each other home selflessly.

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