“With God’s unconditional love in our hearts, we can pour into our communities and commit to being prayer warriors for others.” Erin Burkhardt

Love one another deeply from the heart. (1 Peter 1:22b )



What does it mean to live in radical community?

To truly be in community, we must be rooted in Christ-like love, a love for God and others that is active, vibrant, and effective.

  • It’s not about “doing” and filling your calendar with events and activities only to feel disheartened if you can’t attend.
  • It’s not about becoming an exclusive club to escape the world around us.
  • It IS about actively becoming a united beacon to shine the light of God’s love on each other and the world – by His grace.


I have been blessed to be part of an amazing radical community. Though our group is on the smaller side, we are a body of believers, family, and friends, all united under the banner of Christ’s redeeming love.

Prayer has a huge role in our community; I believe there is additional power and potency in uniting as a body to pray. When humbled hearts come together in faith to lift a person or purpose to the Lord, I know there is incredible movement in the heavenly realms. I know because I have felt it.

During a time of deep depression, I felt my life was purposeless and empty. My health was poor, my children were in a challenging stage of life, and my husband was without work. I was in a very dark place.



In desperation (and having no idea how they could possibly help me), I turned to the spiritual leaders in my radical community. They told me something I will never forget: they told me my burden was now theirs. I was to let go and trust my community to fight on my behalf. Because we were not only fighting against flesh and blood, they were going to take up the mantle in prayer for me.

I didn’t believe them. In my despair, I couldn’t see how their praying for me would be enough to really help me – but I let them pray … and did they ever pray! A sign-up sheet was sent to all church members for people to select hours of the day to pray for me. Every single hour was covered! Young moms would text me during their midnight feedings to encourage me. People, young and old, would spend hours interceding for me; some even fasted for extended lengths of time. Prayers for healing, peace, relief, and spiritual warfare covered my heart and soothed my soul.


There haven’t been many times in my Christian life where I have physically “felt” God’s presence. My faith and salvation are not based on how I feel, but during those two intense weeks of intersession, I FELT the power of prayer. I had a softening in my heart that started almost immediately and a twinkle of hope that grew each day. My burden was lighter. I felt like a puppet on strings being moved around with the work being done for me. It was surreal and indescribable. It gave me the courage to seek medical help, which gave me the tools to move forward and see a light at the end of the tunnel.

My depression was not cured, but that does not mean God didn’t perform mighty miracles physically and spiritually. Those two weeks changed my life and gave me a renewed reverence for the power of prayer.


Community is a beautiful gift, and prayer is a powerful tool. Combined, they make a mighty force for God’s Kingdom. Living in radical community gives us the privilege to be both the giver and receiver of this kind of prayer. With God’s unconditional love in our hearts, we can pour into our communities and commit to being prayer warriors for others.

Imagine the impact if we prayed with this kind of fervency regularly! What if we believed that our battles could be fought and miracles could be won on our knees? Together as a community, we can know the endless possibilities of prayer intimately, and we can experience prayer that really does move mountains.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for the incredible gift of community and the power of prayer. Help us to rely on our faith in You even when our feelings try to lead us astray. Thank You for the comfort and joy You give in and through us. Help us to be an instrument of Your love in our radical communities. Amen.


  • Do you have a community that can come alongside you in your struggles or hurts – perhaps just one or two others?
  • Have you ever chosen to quietly come alongside others who are struggling, lifting them in prayer?
  • Have you experienced the power of prayer in your life? Consider beginning right now, with a simple prayer, “Help me, Lord,” or, “Lord, I’d like to lift _____ before you.”


How can you encourage others and yourself to be a radical community, devoted to praying? If you’re not sure where to start, I  invite you to check out 33 Biblical “One Anothers.”

Yellow Bubbles
Erin Burkhardt

Erin Burkhardt

Chronic Joy® Contributing Writer

Erin is a grateful follower of Jesus, navigating the different stages of life through the eyes of chronic illness. She has a passion for empowering others by encouraging them to trust God even in the most difficult circumstances. Erin and her husband (along with their two young boys) are purposeful and passionate in living out their faith and loving their neighbors. Her other passions include freelance writing, loom knitting, and fishing!

Compassion Begins When We Suffer Together

Pain, cultivated by the Spirit’s compassion, invites us to care deeply for one another, grow together, suffering with one another so that none of us is isolated or alone. Pain opens the door to the Spirit’s compassion in us.

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