Creative ways to love one another.

Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love. (Hebrews 10:24, paraphrase)


Creative expressions of love invite us to join with the Father’s heart, spurring us on to do good deeds. How do we begin when everything seems like a mountain we can’t quite climb? What happens when we think we aren’t creative or when we just don’t have much energy?

We simply take a step. Just one.

Six years ago, when God breathed life into Chronic Joy, we began with a single step of faith Step by step, we continued to follow as God led. While there is still a mountain to climb, Chronic Joy has grown into a global resource ministry dedicated to compassionately serving all those affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability.

From the beginning, we have pursued and facilitated creative ways for each of us to love and serve one another – to be the Body of Christ here on earth.


Creative Ways to Get Started

Wander through our Printables page, where you’ll find more than 200 FREE guides on all sorts of things from how to start an illness ministry, anxiety exercises to guides for teens, children, and young adults, depression action steps, and so many more! Download or print out the guides and send them to someone who needs a little encouragement – someone who needs to be reminded that they are seen, thought of, prayed for, and cared about.

Stroll through our blog posts. Most include audio recordings, so you can listen to real voices reading compelling stories. Then take a minute and introduce those you love to Chronic Joy by sharing a post you particularly enjoyed with someone who might be feeling anxious, isolated, or lonely.

Spend an afternoon scrolling through the thousands of beautiful FREE, faith-based images. As the inspirational quotes nourish your soul, download the photos that speak to your heart, then text, email, or message an image to a friend, neighbor, or loved one. Share the blessing!

#PenToPaper is one of our absolute favorites. Sending old-fashioned snail mail always brightens someone’s day – and we’ve made it easy! Service in a Box provides everything you need to creatively love one another.

Printables • Downloadable Hope


Downloadable Hope!

Resources, tips, and tools to encourage and inspire everyone affected by chronic illness. There are more than 200 beautifully-designed FREE printables, with more coming regularly. Stop by and download a little hope today -- and be sure to check back often to see what's new!


Audio Resources


An Invitation to Listen

Audio is an invitation to listen, engage, and be enriched by caring, compassionate, and friendly one-on-one storytelling, anytime and anywhere. Discover relevant, significant, and compelling audio content -- real voices sharing real stories.


Chronic Joy® Free Images


Inspiring, Faith-Based Photos

Thousands of inspiring, high-res images are available for immediate download for ministries and organizations, to use on social media, or to encourage friends and loved ones in a text, message, or email.


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