But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today.”
(Hebrews 3:13



Even though we may not be able to visit in person because of chronic illness, there are many easy ways to offer a virtual smile or a nugget of hope and to bless others right where we are. Some in our community regularly message, email, or text encouragement to others. It takes just a minute to send a text, reminding others they are cared about and prayed for. Today, take a minute and #ConnectByText and send someone a much-needed virtual hug. Brighten someone’s day and lift your spirit too.



  • Keep it short. Those who are hurting can have trouble processing information, but they can easily digest a short message.
  • Don’t expect a response. Those who are struggling might not have the energy to respond, but that doesn’t mean your text didn’t mean the world to them.
  • Write from your heart. You don’t have to craft the perfect text, just be honest and share a little love

Visit the #ConnectByText page for great FREE tools and resources.

1. #ConnectByText with Prayer

Sometimes all we need to get started are a few words. Include these short prayers in a card or email, or send them in a message or text to a friend or loved one:

2. #ConnectByText with Pictures

Looking for a great way to encourage and inspire?

We have 1000s of images available for FREE, instant download.  No sign-ups. No waiting. Just scroll through our photos, find an image you love, click, and download. That’s it!

Click here and check out Chronic Joy’s photos.

Text, email, or message the image to a friend or loved one, or share it online in your social media feeds.


3. #ConnectByText with Teens

    • I love your enthusiasm for life!
    • Hang in there! Keep on trusting God.
    • You’re one of my favorite people!
    • I’m so proud of you!
    • I’m so thankful for you!
    • Add a Little Laughter Note Starters

4. #ConnectByText with Your Spouse

    • I’m so grateful I get to do life with you!
    • I love you, and I’m praying for you right now.
    • Thank you for loving me even when I’m not very lovable.
    • Your smile brightens my day.
    • No matter how you feel about yourself today, I think you’re incredible.
    • Words are Powerful
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