God creates beauty out of dust.




I stepped out into sunset, a warm slice of western sky, and breathed a prayer of thanks – thanks for this moment, for this sky set on fire, for glory bursting through the clouds, and I wondered how I could ever doubt, could ever fail to trust the God of all creation, the One who spoke this whole world into being.

A cardinal caught my eye, flame of red perched on a holly bough, and I wondered again, “How could I ever doubt?” My heart beats because of God. I see because of God. I touch and feel and taste and breathe because of God. At this moment I’m alive in this place, because of God. I can grasp and thread and button and zip and tie and type and text all because of God. I am, because He is.

God – who spoke every atom into being, who scooped up earth and breathed it into life – is the very same God who created berries dripping with summer, the salty ocean breezes,  crisp winter wind, and me!




But I do.

I doubted the year my brother died from a single faulty heartbeat, and after the accident when we realized my injuries would never heal, and when the surgeon gently said, “Its cancer.” I doubted the year my son got sick and never got well.

Over and over, I believe, and I doubt. I believe and I doubt.




And I’ve learned that trust is rooted in love, not human love, but God’s love – everlasting love, love without fail in every circumstance of every moment of every day of our lives on earth. Love without question or hesitation or reservation or limits. For God doesn’t care where we are or how we’re dressed or who we’re with or what we’ve done.

He simply says, “Come.” Exactly as you are, “Come.” No matter what. “Come.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV)

God loves us more than we can begin to imagine or understand, more than life itself, so much more that He sacrificed Himself for us. Not because we deserve it, but because of who He is. That is the love that doesn’t change or fade or fail. How could I ever doubt?

“Come,” He says. Just as you are.

Trust. Believe. And live! 


Cindee Snider Re

Cindee Snider Re

Author, Designer, and Co-Founder of Chronic Joy®

Cindee is married to the man she loves most in this world, Mom to five adult kids plus a son- and daughter-in-love, and Lolli to an adorable grandbaby. She and four of her kids have Ehlers-Danlos and myriad co-existing conditions. While a life steeped in illness is not what she would have chosen, through it, she’s learning that the deeper the valley, the greater her capacity for joy.

Cindee is the author of Discovering Hope, Finding Purpose, Embracing Worth, and I Take You in Sickness and in Health.

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