“Sometimes I get stalled in sending a card because I’m not sure what to write on the inside – I want to encourage or bring a smile to the recipient but can’t find the words.” Kara Plett


You should see my craft room (or maybe it’s better that you don’t!). It’s a mess, but I love making things – especially cards.

I love snail mail. Who doesn’t love opening their mailbox and finding something besides a bill or flyer? So, I try to mail cards to people for birthdays, new babies, or weddings, but I also want to send them “just because.” Sometimes I get stalled in sending a card because I’m not sure what to write on the inside – I want to encourage or bring a smile to the recipient but can’t find the words.

I was delighted when I noticed that Chronic Joy (By the way, Chronic Joy is amazing at snail mail – have you signed up to receive packets from them?) had a printable for this exact purpose called #PentoPaper Note Starters.

As I read through it, I was reminded of the simple things I could say in my card. It didn’t need to be long or wordy, or perfect. Writing “God placed you on my heart today. I’m praying for you.” is often all that needs to be said. If I put myself in the shoes of someone receiving these words, I know I would feel encouraged.



The printable also includes a reminder to use Scripture and simply allow God’s word to speak. Listed are several truths based on verses that would be such an encouragement if they were written in a card.

“Do not be anxious; God is with you. He will strengthen you and help you. He is holding you in His hand.” (paraphrasing Isaiah 41:10)

On the day that I am writing this, I will visit a friend who is in the hospital. As I wrote inside a card for her, I kept the words simple: “Know that you are loved and lifted in prayer to Him.” I didn’t offer any solutions or try to make it fancy – I simply wrote words of encouragement.

Reading through the suggestions on the printable prompted other ideas, and I started jotting them down on the back side so I could use them down the road. I will keep adding to them as I encounter other Scriptures or phrases.

One of my favorite phrases on the printable says:

“God loves you.
No matter what.
Even if.
Even when.
Yes, even then.
God loves you.

I would love to hear someone remind me of this truth any day. I will put this in a card one day.


I wonder if you ever get ‘stuck’ with what to write inside a card. Look at the ideas on Chronic Joy’s printable and let God use them to direct your words. The person who receives them will be so blessed, and so will you!

Happy Bubbles
Kara Plett

Kara Plett

Chronic Joy® Staff Writer and Prayer Team

Kara and her husband Conrad live in Calgary, Canada, where she was a teacher for 28 years. She loves the Word of God and encourages others through her devotional writing. Kara felt led to write a book of devotionals (Searching for Sea Glass) when her journey with chronic illnesses pressed her into God’s arms of love more deeply. She prays that her journey and refinement will encourage you in your walk with God.

Note Starters

Sometimes all we need to get us started are a few words. Include these short prayers in a notecard or email, or send them in a message or text to a friend or loved one.

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