"Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you." Psalm 143:8 NLT

“Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.” (Psalm 143:8 NLT)

Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. (Psalm 143:8 NLT)



This morning I woke up with my more-often-than-not heaviness of heart. Should I tell you the kinds of things that go through my mind? Thoughts ranging from health concerns, being alone, house issues, our country, and people who are dear to me who are not yet saved. Then there are pressures of all that I think I should be accomplishing, while at the same time, finding internal and external roadblocks causing more anxiety and weighted despondency.

So as usual, I made myself peel out of bed. Then I got a cup of coffee and headed to my office to spend needed and desired time with the LORD. I feel the most peace when I settle into my quiet space with Him and let Him breathe hope into me as I listen and share with Him, get into His Word, and read inspired devotionals.


The following is what God spoke to my hurting heart, leaving me feeling renewed hope and encouragement. I hope you will feel the same as you take in these words that I believe God also has for you.

Don’t let your weaknesses condemn you. Use them to remind you of how very tenderhearted I am with those who are weak and poor in spirit. One of My traits is compassion. Although many know this in their minds, the evil one stealthily sneaks into our thoughts with poisoning fiery darts of shame. His condemning spirits follow suit, speaking lies, distorting truth, disturbing and destroying, leaving one to stagger without hope.

Precious one, you are loved. Quit looking around anxiously at all you think you could or should be doing. I created you to be a responder. Respond to My love. Minister your love to Me and I’ll share secrets of Heaven with you. Let your spirit rest in the sufficiency and sustainability of My love; then you will be able to hear My Spirit say, “Go this way or go that way.” When you don’t hear clear direction, simply BE with Me.



As you are able, take care of what is before you, and don’t let your mind wander to all that is ahead — or feel shame that not everything is as you think it should be. There are reasons and seasons for everything and you can’t know all that I am doing — even when it appears as if nothing is happening. Trust Me. Keep your gaze on My unlimited, compassionate love for you.

When you find yourself seized with fright or condemning thoughts, ask the Holy Spirit to help you distinguish what is true and what is not. Even if all you can do is point your heart upward, I will be with you. I am a listener of the heart. I will immediately let you sense My nearness which is truly what your heart longs for and needs. You will recognize Me by My peace.




Rest, My child. Let Me be the Provider for ALL your needs.

  • Precious one, what weighs heavily on your heart this morning?

Talk with God about it. Share with Him your deep desires and needs. He wants to minister to you and to share with you His longing desires.



Father, thank you for the gift of Your Son and Your Holy Spirit. Thank you for loving me and desiring me. Please forgive me for so often not trusting You. Help me to grow in the understanding of just how much You love me and care for me, so I will grow in trust.

Thank You for the gift of today. Thank You for listening to my heart as well as my words. Help me to listen to Yours. Help me to bring You joy with my life. I ask for growing discernment to recognize lies pressed into my heart so I can be revived with truth instead. I ask for Your help to accomplish whatever You have for me this day and for the mindfulness of Your Presence with me.

In the name of Your Precious Son, Jesus, Amen.


Melody Bollinger

Melody Bollinger

Chronic Joy® Contributing Writer

Melody is an imperfect woman loved by our perfect God. She longs for others to share the same intimacy she has with Him, knowing and experiencing Him as tender-hearted and relational. Melody lives in the scenic Texas Hill Country and has a beautiful God-given daughter and son-in-law who reside in California with their two adorable rescue dogs named Courage and Wonder. Learn more about her new book: Loved One: An Invitation to Feel God's Love and to Experience His Desire to Be Your God-Sized Help.

Photo by: Christine Lee Smith Photography

Devotional Guide

Devotional Guide

Chronic Joy® devotionals are an invitation to take one gentle step, to pray in a comforting and familiar or perhaps new-to-you way, or to cry out on behalf of one precious life today … maybe even yours.

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