There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)


Sometimes we go through life unaware that signs we see around us may be the Lord giving us just what we need to get through that day:

  • A word of encouragement is shared by a friend who has no idea about the storm we are currently battling on our own.
  • You may be prompted to send a timely word to bless someone else’s day.

It’s never a coincidence, but a “God-incidence,” a small way the Lord can work through you to bring a message that will encourage, strengthen and show the love of Jesus to others. When I see something that reminds me of another person, or my heart is filled with a desire to reach out to a friend, I believe God has put them on my heart.

Can we know whether such prompts are coming from God? Of course, we can! If the sign brings encouragement and joy and is not contrary to the authoritative, written Word of God, we may acknowledge it as a sign from God.  By giving God credit for the signs He gives us, we bring Him glory and may just point someone to Jesus!



The lyrics of a favorite beautiful song have become my prayer: “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. I want to see You.”  If we keep our physical eyes open as well, we may recognize God in the signs He gives all around us.  After all, He is the Maker of all things!

When my youngest daughter was born, we named her Christa Lily.  Whenever I spelled her name over the phone or in a doctor’s office, I would say, “Christ with an a.”  She started doing this too.  She also thought the “t” in her name was a cross!  In Mark 10:15, Jesus calls us to have simple childlike faith like Christa’s: I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.

It always blessed this momma’s heart when Christa would call out the “t” as a cross on the wall chart during her eye exam.  She would also say to a nurse, “You have a cross in your name, too!”  Now, that’s seeing with spiritual eyes!



Recently, just before dusk, I took our dog for a walk.  As the sun was beginning to set, the view of the sky wasn’t anything great, but it was pretty enough to take a quick picture with my phone.  Just ten minutes later, as I walked back home, I just happened to glance over my shoulder.  What made me look?  Was it a nudge from the Lord?  I believe so because what I saw now in this beautiful fall sunset was spectacular!  Bright red and orange tones painted a sky with hardly any clouds.

I took another picture and immediately thought of my daughter having surgery the next day. I sent her the picture with encouraging words: “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. (Matthew 16:2.) It’s smooth sailing with Jesus.”

The song of praise written by King David in Psalm 19:1-4 summarizes this so well:

The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display His craftsmanship.

Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make Him known.

They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.

Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
and their words to all the world.



A timely word from God can also come through another person.  Recently, I received a text from my best friend which included a beautiful scripture.  That same morning, I received a second text, asking me to pray because another friend was ill.  I immediately sent a prayer — and that beautiful scripture.

The Lord then prompted me to ask for an update from yet another friend, and I sent her that same verse. She immediately responded: “Your timing is perfect. Mom has had a setback. Thank you for this scripture. I’m going to send it to my mom right now.”  It was truly God’s perfect timing!  He put these friends on my heart, and my best friend provided the perfect scripture to share. Praise His holy name!

God is always at work through us when we have the mindset of seeing Him and His signs all around us. Sharing these simple signs with others can bring them encouragement as well. I pray that the scripture I shared might bring comfort, peace, and encouragement to you, too:

And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast. (1 Peter 5:10)

Lord, open the eyes of our hearts so that we may see You and hear your timely words. Use us to be an encouragement to others. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen!


  1. Has a dear friend’s name suddenly “popped into” your thoughts? Could God be prompting you to drop a note or say a prayer for them?
  2. Have you been the recipient of a friend’s thoughtfulness (a handwritten note, a humorous text, a timely Scripture verse, a shared photo)? Have you let them know how blessed you were?
  3. Has God revealed himself to you today in the beauty of the world around you? Have you let HIM know how blessed you were?
Yellow Bubbles
MaryAnne Constantine

MaryAnne Constantine

MaryAnne is a passionate follower of Jesus, wife of thirty-eight years to Arthur, and mom to four adult children. A CPA, she founded her own tax business, allowing her to work from home while raising kids. After caring for aging parents in their golden years, she began providing home care for older adults. She also enjoys leading women’s Bible study groups and speaking for retreats. In all she does, MaryAnne seeks to glorify her Lord and Savior and help others experience the joy of His presence!

Holy Attention

Eye-Spy • People Watching

Holy Attention draws us into fresh gratitude. When we pay close attention to creation we can experience the awe and wonder of God’s infinite creativity.

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