What does it look like to love like Jesus? Denise Brill

“What does it look like to love like Jesus?” Denise Brill



What does it look like to love like Jesus?

To bow down and love another and to really lay down my own agenda?


For humans it is impossible but for God all things are possible … the first will be last and the last will be first.


When we give ourselves away, we will then grow in ways that are rooted in God’s love.

The disciples gave up everything to follow Jesus and Peter boldly asked, “We left everything to follow you. What will we get out of it?”

It is in our human nature that always wants to know what we are going to get out of what we give? If we give up this then what will we get back? What are we going to get out of it?

It’s a measured and calculated love.

Not so with God. He gives His all for us, His love is benevolent.

What is it in my heart that keeps me from loving sacrificially this way? Is it the need for approval, acceptance, security, fairness, or control?




So I pray, giving my heart back to God, knowing that’s where I belong, that this is where I find value and become a more fulfilled human being.

Here’s my heart, Lord. Take what is yours. I trust you once again with all of my needs, laying down what I think I need, not trying to gain anything from what I give. This is hard for me to do. It is impossible.

Thank you that this is Your work of grace in me. You will accomplish the change in my heart to be able to love like You.

I lay down my own agendas. I lift up those who are hurting and in need of recognition. Let me see those who are vulnerable through Your eyes and speak what is true to them.

How You see me is how You see others – through the gaze of Your love and mercy.

I rest under Your broken and bruised feet.




Here’s my heart, Lord
Here’s my life, Lord
I lay down everything before you….
For you are strong, you are sure,
You are life, you endure
You are good, always true
You are light breaking through.
You are more than enough
You are here, you are love,
You are hope, you are grace,
You’re all I have, you’re everything.
You’re all I need.
Here’s my heart , Lord
Speak what is true.
Here’s My Heart, Lord
Jason Ingram & Louie Giglio


May the grace of God, the love of Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be in the center of all we do this day. Amen

August 18th Prayer first published at CambriaVineyard.org on August 18, 2020. Published with permission.

Questions For Reflection

1. Our gift to you today is our You Are So Loved free printable. Do you love yourself like God loves you? Do you live like you’re valuable? Do you live like you’re set free?

2. What are you holding onto tightly today? What would it feel like to open your hands and release those cares to the One who loves you completely?

3. Who could you wrap in prayer today? Who could you remind that they are precious, treasured, and loved beyond measure too?

Denise Brill

Denise Brill

Associate Pastor

Denise and her husband Daniel have pioneered and pastored two Vineyard churches in California since 1980. For several years, they worked alongside missionaries in Europe in a debriefing ministry. Denise received her certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith. She currently serves part-time as an associate pastor at Cambria Vineyard Church in California. In addition, she offers spiritual direction, leads spiritual formation groups and guided retreats, and with her husband, hosts The Cambria Sea Star, a retreat guesthouse on their property. Denise is also a Benedictine Oblate at the New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur. Art, poetry, and gardening are her sacred spaces.

You Are So Loved

Do you love yourself like God loves you? Do you live like you’re valuable? Do you live like you’re set free?

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