“When we give out of what we have, no matter how small, it is greatly pleasing to the Lord.” Esther Smith
A distinct memory is ingrained in my mind of one of my worst seasons of pain. I remember it was November, and my husband was going through a critical time at work. He was completing several weeks of difficult and intense training that would hopefully lead to a promotion. I was in one of the worst pain flares of my life, and each day was a struggle to survive.
I remember considering how I could support my husband through his training, and the only thing I felt physically capable of doing was to make him lunch every day so he would have one less thing to worry about. Every day, I made three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
My life was reduced to the bare minimum mode, plus this one extra task each day. Making these sandwiches took me multiple times to get off the couch with rests in between to get it done. I would get up and take everything out of the fridge. Rest. Put the peanut butter on. Rest. Jelly. Rest. Sandwiches into sandwich bags. Rest. Put everything away—long rest.
I share this story not because it fills me with pride to remember how I served the best I could in the worst of times, and definitely not because I like people to know the rock bottom I reached. Nor do I share this story because I think back on this time feeling shame, inadequacy, and failure. I share this story because I wonder if you feel it is nothing as you serve in small ways.
Jesus speaks encouraging words to us when our acts of service feel insignificant and unneeded. In the gospel of Luke, we find the story of the widow’s mite:
As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she had to live on.” (Luke 21:1-4)
Jesus looked at the widow’s small offering and saw anything but insignificance. He was greatly pleased with her sacrifice despite the small quantity she had to give. Contrary to the ways of this world, Jesus sees service as an act of sacrifice, not a competition to see who can give the most. Just as the widow gave out of a poverty of financial ruin, those who live with debilitating chronic pain give out of a poverty of health when:
- unloading the dishwasher is the Mt. Everest you climb every day.
- you play with your kids even though it hurts.
- your daily commute is the daily cross you bear.
- all you have to contribute is a kind word, a listening ear, or a smile.
Giving out of what we have (no matter how small) greatly pleases the Lord. Jesus looks at these sacrifices and says, You have done more than all those who give out of abundance.
Father, thank You for seeing each of our small acts as significant. We can be so hard on ourselves but You look at us with gentleness and compassion. May we trust Your heart towards us and press on to give as we can to others in Your love and strength. In Jesus’ name, amen.
- What one small act has someone done for you that held great meaning?
- What small act could you do for someone else today?
- Where do you feel you are giving sacrificially? Talk to God about it now.
Are you looking for some creative ways to serve? Take a look at this printable for some ideas you may have not considered.

Esther Smith
Esther is a licensed biblical counselor who writes about her experience with chronic pain. She uses her website to encourage people facing physical and mental illness challenges. She is the author of Chronic Illness: Walking by Faith, But God, Wouldn’t I Be More Useful to You If I Were Healthy?, When Chronic Pain and Illness Take Everything Away, and The Whole Life: 52 Weeks of Biblical Self-Care. Esther and her husband, Ian, live in Baltimore, Maryland, with their dogs, Bella and Bug.

Creative Ways to Serve
Chronic illness can make serving in traditional or culturally familiar ways challenging—but not impossible. Discover creative new ways to love God and others right where you are, however you are able.
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