“Imagination fuels creativity.” Gayl Wright




Where does our imagination come from? I wonder if we were in God’s imagination before creation.

God must have a great imagination to have created such a wonderful world filled with beautiful things … so many varieties of plants and animals, the sky and seas, the sun, moon, and stars. Just think, no two snowflakes are alike! There are all kinds of creatures with so many different markings, colorings, shapes, and sizes.


So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
(Genesis 1:27)


Because we are created in the image of God, the great Creator, I believe He gives each of us the ability to create, at least in some small way. I am a writer, and my imagination helps me find word pictures to convey different emotions, thoughts, and ideas.

God created every single person in His image, yet each is unique. We show part of that image through our imaginations, which can play a big part in what and how we create. They can help us tell our stories to encourage others, bring beauty through words and art, help us work through difficult situations, or just entertain and make someone happy. Imagination fuels creativity!




I love the word creativity, don’t you? It evokes happy thoughts and conjures up many ways to make art. There are professionals who create magnificent paintings, pottery, blown glass, mosaics, and much more — but they are not the only ones who can create.

There are many ways to use the creative process. Have you ever thought about decorating your house creatively or preparing and serving food in different ways? We can find simple, creative ways to share hospitality.

Many moms have looked for creative ways to make food appetizing to children. Something my family enjoys is choosing face pancakes for birthday breakfasts. Using chocolate chips, cherries, and whipped cream, we make faces that sometimes look alien.

What about a child playing in the mud making mud pies and berry potions? If you’ve never experienced that, you don’t know what you’re missing!




I would like to share a poem I wrote in 2016, an “I Ampoem sparked by a book called Poemcrazy: Freeing Your Life with Words, by Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge, combined with an exercise from a poetry course.

I chose the word light, looked up its synonyms, and listed all the words that jumped out at me. It was a fun challenge to figure out how many I could use in my poem. 

Who Am I?

I am the colors of the sunset,
ablaze with yellows, blues and pinks

I am a sphere
bouncing through the portals of life

I am a clear voice
full of sparkling diamonds

I am a butterfly with phosphorescent wings
buoyant and gentle

I am the song of the wood thrush
pure and luminous

I am one of many voices
igniting the fire of truth

I am a soft warm sofa
all aglow when children are near

I am a pineapple, pepperoni pizza
balancing flavors of sweet and sour

I am a shiny flute spreading frivolity
through a prism of notes

I am a mountain covered with snow
grinning at the world below

I am a glittering waterfall cascading
down into a frothy river

I am a weeping willow wrapping
her arms around those who are sad

~ gsw~


The exercise challenged me to think about who I am and what is meaningful to me. I had fun incorporating bits of my personality into the stanzas.

Why not give it a try yourself?




I’m thankful God gave each of us an imagination! Creativity should be encouraged in everyone. Start small and simple. Even the great masters had to begin somewhere before honing their skills.


For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)

Questions For Reflection

1. Think of how we are each created in God’s image, which includes imagination. How might you use your imagination to share your love for God or His love for you?

2. Can you write a short “I am…” poem using the suggestion above to choose a word and find synonyms? Even if you don’t think you are a poet, I believe everyone can write a poem.

3. How can you use your God-given imagination to enhance your daily life? Even if you are dealing with chronic illness or are a caretaker for someone, don’t be afraid to use your imagination to get you through a challenging day.

Yellow Bubbles
Gayl Wright

Gayl Wright

Chronic Joy® Content Coordinator and Prayer Team

A grandmother but young at heart, Gayl enjoys exploring creativity through writing, poetry, nature photography, art, crocheting, and piano. She loves coffee, tea, chocolate, and jeans. Gayl has been married to Steve for nearly 50 years, with 7 children and 14 grands (some have chronic illnesses, and one son is now with Jesus). Always learning and writing from her heart about life, her desire is to know God better, glorify Him, and encourage others. She is the author of Journey into Light.

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