In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)


“In this world you will have trouble,” we read in John 16:33, and don’t we know it! In this year of pandemic, political upheaval, and climate changes, we have been surrounded by trouble — and that doesn’t even begin to address any personal “trouble” we might be experiencing. BUT — and this is HUGE — there is more to John 16:33: “But take heart! I have overcome the world!”

This month’s newsletter is filled with tips, suggestions, and ideas to aid us in taking heart. In this world, we will experience pain, loss, separation, and death. But a better day is coming, a day when death and brokenness no longer have sway. That is our bright hope as we experience grief, sorrow, pain, and loss on this long and winding journey.


A strong undergirding comfort throughout this newsletter is that God is with us (2 Chronicles 13:12; Matthew 1:23). He is with us in every tear, with us in our anger and denial, with us in our sadness, with us when we are beyond words, with us in every moment of our grief.

Sometimes we experience so many emotions right on top of each other that it’s hard to pinpoint how we really feel. The Emotions Wheel helps us to recognize and give attention to our emotions. Our emotions were given to us by God for a reason. When we remember that God is with us, we can bring Him into the picture. We can ask Him to help us work through the emotions we are currently feeling.

Everyone experiences grief in some way or another, whether in chronic illness, financial struggles, pain, the loss of a loved one — the list goes on. But there is light and help along the way. Our Grief Page helps us to see that grief is a journey, and it is important to recognize and express our grief. Find resources there to help you on your journey and discover that there is always hope. God is with us even in our deepest grief.


As you read through these new tools and resources, look for evidence that God is with us — and rejoice with us in this amazing truth.

Emotions Wheel • How Do You Really Feel?

Emotions Wheel

How do you really feel?

When we permit ourselves to ask, "How do I really feel?" we may notice the emotional nuances of feeling bad, afraid, angry, disgusted, sad, happy, and surprised.


In the Midst of Grief • Navigating loss, suffering, and chronic sorrow.

In the Midst of Grief

(Navigating loss, suffering, pain, and sorrow.)
Grief is no stranger to those of us affected by chronic illness, pain, and suffering. While there are no rules for grieving chronic loss, there is a road map, and fellow travelers are ahead and behind us on the journey. Grief often precedes growth.


Happy Bubbles


Our #PenToPaper mailings are sent throughout the year to inspire those in our community. If you’ve been blessed by these, we’d love to know. Is there someone you can invite to sign up for these encouraging packets? Intentional Kindness → Pass It On!

In this age of technology where you can send a text to someone instantly, it’s easy to forget about the art of writing letters. But who doesn’t enjoy getting mail? It doesn’t take long to write a short note of encouragement and include a scripture. God is with us as we share with one another.

When we feel lonely or forgotten, it makes a world of difference to have meaningful mail arrive in your mailbox. Can you think of someone who would love a letter or note from you? Chronic Joy has beautiful flat cards to make it easy for you. Check out the varieties in our store.



You Get Mail!

You Get Mail!

Sign up to receive free, professionally designed and printed, old-school, #PenToPaper snail mail throughout the year. When you include your birthdate, we’ll send a special mailing to celebrate you! Safe & Secure. Sign-Ups for: adults, teens, and children.




#PenToPaper is a powerful, yet easy way to encourage one another and build each other up by fostering community, offering hope, and letting someone know they are not alone, that they are prayed for, cared about, and genuinely loved. Discover ideas to get you started, note starters (a few words to help you begin), and free, printable stationery.


PenToPaper-Note Starters for Every Day

#PenToPaper: Note Starters for Every Day

This book is brimming with inspiration and is chock-full of note starters. Find words to express compassion, gratitude, celebration, grief, and laughter. Discover fun ways to write to a special child in your life. You will even spot note-starters for difficult relationships. You’ll turn to this faith-filled and thoughtfully curated resource again and again!

Who will you write to today?


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