Am I allowing God to be a part of every moment of caregiving?

Plants need soil, water, and light to survive. I, too, need certain things to be healthy during this intense season of caregiving. Am I allowing God to be a part of every moment? (Kara Plett)


When I was teaching Fourth Grade, we studied plants in one of our science units. We would plant some bean seeds in different containers and give each of them the same amount of water, light, and soil. Our experiments would begin once the shoots poked through the soil. The goal was to see what a plant needed to survive and thrive.

The kids loved coming up with things we could do to our various bean plants. We would give one a lot of light but no water or put one in a dark cupboard but keep the soil moist. We would even remove one plant from its soil and put it in a cup of water. Of course, we would leave one plant growing “normally” with water, soil, and light.

And Then We Would Watch…

We came to many new understandings through observing the plants in various conditions. As an adult, you probably have a pretty good idea of what happened to these different plants. (You might even consider it an extended version of the Parable of the Sower [Matthew 13].)

One of the experiments that always made me stop and think was the bean we put in the dark cupboard but kept watered. It was amazing to see this beanstalk continue growing, stretching towards the tiny sliver of light in the cupboard door – but (as you might picture) it was spindly and a sickly pale color.


Sometimes, I feel like one of those unhealthy beanstalks, especially right now in a season of intense caregiving. Daily hospital visits to care for a loved one over the past three months have left me feeling spindly and pale. So, I am using this reminder from my Fourth-Grade classroom to take ‘stalk’ of my life right now. Plants need soil, water, and light to survive. I, too, need certain things to be healthy during this season.



  • Prayer:Do I stop before I enter the doors of the hospital room to ask for what I need that day to be able to care for my loved one?

I don’t know what I will face, but God does. I want to let Him help me, so I:

  • say quick prayers for patience, understanding, compassion, and strength.
  • reach out to the one with a never-ending supply of those things.
  • talk to the Lord to debrief when I return home because caring for a loved one can bring up many emotions.

When I and others in my family cannot think of what to pray, we have found Chronic Joy’s Prayers for Caregivers printable very helpful.

  • Others: I have been overwhelmed by other people’s love during this season. It can be hard to let them in, but what a blessing when I do!
    • Their texts and emails often come at just the right time.
    • I have felt buoyed by my small group’s devoted prayers.
    • I have learned to say “Yes!” when someone offers a meal, and I have felt my burden shared.
    • Letting my husband or best friend listen and sometimes advise after a hard day has been life-giving.
  • Self-Care: Caregiving can become all-encompassing. You can forget about the rest of your world. Yet, you must continue to connect with people and do other meaningful things. As someone with chronic illnesses myself, I can quickly burn out. I must physically stop and allow God to refuel me when I am unsure how my body can keep going – and He has!

During this caregiving season, I have found Chronic Joy’s Self-Care for Your Emotions printable helpful when experiencing emotions I didn’t know I would have.

These are just a few things to consider in this season of intense caregiving, but reflecting on them has helped me gain perspective and press into God and others in new ways. Like the plant in the cupboard, I may look a little spindly and pale, but He is nourishing me as I reach toward His light.



Father, seasons of caregiving can be challenging. Please help us to press into You and those around us to share the burden. There are so many different emotions each day. Thank You for reminding me to stop and look to You for refreshment. Be with me and my loved one as we continue this journey. In Jesus’ name, amen.


  1. How are you doing in your season of caregiving?
  2. Is God prompting you to think differently about prayer, others, or self-care?
  3. If you’re not in a season of caregiving, is there someone who is caring for a loved one you could lift in prayer today?
Happy Bubbles
Kara Plett

Kara Plett

Staff Writer

Kara and her husband Conrad live in Calgary, Canada, where she was a teacher for 28 years. She loves the Word of God and encourages others through her devotional writing. Kara felt led to write a book of devotionals (Searching for Sea Glass) when her journey with chronic illnesses pressed her into God’s arms of love more deeply. She prays that her journey and refinement will encourage you in your walk with God.

Prayers for Caregivers

Lord, thank You for the ministry of caregiving. Help me be flexible, kind, and intentional (especially when I'm weary) as I act as Your hands and feet. Amen.

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