I was recently the victim of identify theft. No, not through an online transaction or a lost checkbook. The unlikely location for identity theft was the high school guidance counselor’s office.
My son, a rising tenth grader, and I visited the high school for a transfer student orientation. While he talked with the guidance counselor, I filled out necessary paperwork:
- Parent Name
- Address (Check box if same as student)
- Phone number
- Occupation
Occupation. This word haunts me.
For over fifteen years, I wore a lab coat to work and displayed my Doctor of Pharmacy degree in a prominent place in our home. Today, the lab coat hangs in the back of the closet. My diploma is stacked in the corner of the basement collecting dust and cobwebs—much like my mind during severe moments of brain fog.
Occupation: _________________. The word and following blank mocked me. It demanded an answer.
I left it blank.
What was I supposed to write?
- Pharmacist with rare illness unable to work
- Medically retired
- Full-time patient
- Professional paper filler-outer
- CEO of the family
- First lady of the White house
- Chauffer
- Home management expert
- Writer
The identity thief slipped in without notice.
Perhaps he hid behind the motivational posters decorating the office. Or was it the letters that used to follow my name? That thief stole my identity.
I was proud of myself for not crying. Instead, I moved onto the remaining pages and noted emergency contact information. I returned to the occupation question and continued to contemplate what to write in the blank. However, I was distracted when my son and the counselor discussed his foreign language options.
Pausing, I lifted the pen toward them and said, “You’ve had two years of Spanish. Didn’t you say you wanted to learn German?”
My son was excited to learn a new language. He thought since he had two years of Spanish, he would be stuck taking Spanish III.
I, too, have a new language to learn. I must learn to listen to the truth of who GOD says I am.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)
Listening for the voice of God is like learning a foreign language.
I must listen, read, and practice reciting the words aloud. I need to be so familiar with His words that they are automatic and roll off my tongue with the correct inflection and accent.
The identity thief lurks in the shadows of our lives, but we can take back what he has stolen from us. Just as my son learned Spanish and began to recite words and phrases by rote, we can repeat the truth of who we are in Christ.
- A child of God
- Accepted
- Blessed
- An overcomer
- Chosen
- Forgiven
- Seated in Heavenly places with God
- Delivered from sin and darkness
- A valiant warrior
- Loved
- Given grace upon grace
- Sons and daughters of the King
While the Enemy temporally stole my identity, I took it back by reminding myself of who I am in Christ.
Has your identity been stolen? Take it back by reviewing the above list and the free printable guide (You are So Loved) below. Remind yourself of who you are in Christ.
First published at April Dawn White, October 2018. Published with permission.
April Dawn White
April is a wife, mother of two teens, retired pharmacist, and writer. Dubbed an obnoxious sports mom, she escapes to her craft room when not in the bleachers. She relies heavily on Jesus, coffee, and daily naps. As a rare disease fighter, April battles chronic illness and dispenses spiritual medicine for a healthy soul from her blog. God is using April’s chronic battle as a platform to write and speak of God’s chronic presence. April is the co-author of Destination Hope: A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart. Get a spiritual refill at April Dawn White.
You Are So Loved
Do you love yourself like God loves you? Do you live like you’re valuable? Do you live like you’re set free?
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