Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights. (Isaiah 7:10)



Can you think of signs from God that you may have experienced? When we share a testimony of how we were blessed by a timely word from the Lord, that can give glory to God and encouragement to others.

Revelation 19:10 states that our testimony of Jesus is “the spirit of prophecy.” When we speak of all He has done, we proclaim that He will indeed do it again!

Here are a few testimonies of Jesus that have been shared with me:

  1. On a long road trip, driving through a small town named “Jerusalem,” a dear woman was having some doubts and concerns. She cried out to Jesus, “Are You even real? Can I trust You?” Several miles passed with no apparent answer. Suddenly, she passed a huge billboard that read: “Concerned? Jesus can be trusted.” That sign led her to renewed faith in Jesus!
  2. After a serious argument with a sibling, a friend received a text: “Stop trying to calm the storm. Calm yourself. The storm will pass.” The sender added, “I saw this on a sign today and immediately thought of you. I’m not sure why.” This brought comfort and peace to her heart.
  3. A man was praying about a new job opportunity with a company in a distant city. While driving the same route he took to work every day, he passed a parked truck imprinted with the business name of the company that had offered him a job. He accepted that job, and it’s been a true blessing to him and the company!


Being an accountant by trade, numbers have always had significance to me. If I wake up during the night, I look at the display on my alarm clock and jot down the numbers. I have been doing this for years. Sometimes, the Lord immediately puts a Scripture reference in my mind using those numbers.  Other times, I wait for the morning and look up those numbers in every book of the Bible. I find an encouraging word from the Lord every time!

Sometimes these timely words are for me and other times they are to be shared. I remember waking up at 4:32 a.m. one morning. Ephesians 4:32 immediately came to mind: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” 

Someone had been unkind to me that week. Early that morning, I was reminded by the Lord that I am commanded to forgive. After praying, I forgave her then and there. The peace of Christ came over me like a flood and immediately replaced the bitterness that had begun to grow in my heart. When we don’t forgive, it’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die! God’s sign saved me that day from being poisoned by unforgiveness.



Have you received a sign from the Lord that can bring encouragement to someone in pain? Precious people are waiting for a touch from our Savior Jesus. Even if you believe you don’t have a spiritual gift for ministry, you can exercise the powerful gift of encouragement!

  • Copy and paste a Bible verse into a text message or email.
  • Perhaps you prefer the classic way of writing it out on a notecard and mailing it. (It always encourages me to find a handwritten letter in my mailbox instead of the usual bills or junk mail.)
  • Make a personal phone call. (A warm voice on the line tells me someone thought of me that day.)
  • When calling others, I sometimes hope to get their voicemail, so I can record a message they can listen to as often as they need it
    • “Good morning, beautiful sweet friend, [insert name]. Today the Lord put you on my heart. I wanted to share a word of encouragement through [Insert Bible verse or sign].”
    • I may pray a simple prayer: “Dear Jesus, thank you for my friend. Please bring healing, restoration, joy, and love to [insert name] today. Fill her with the peace of Christ. Take away the anxiety and help her to remember Your promise to never leave her nor forsake her. Encourage her with Your words of truth. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
    • Close with more encouragement: “Have a blessed day. Remember you are dearly loved.”
    • After you hang up, be assured you have been God’s messenger of encouragement! You have fulfilled God’s command in 1 Thessalonians 5:11:Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”


    Timely encouragement could point others to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. That would be the very best sign from God! There would not only be encouragement but also rejoicing with them and with the angels in heaven over the one who returns to the Lord (Luke 15:10). That’s not just good news; it’s great news!

    Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we want to see You and to be Your messengers of encouragement! In the mighty name of Jesus, amen!


  1. Have you recognized a “Barnabas” (Acts 4:36) in your life? Have you told them how they have blessed you?
  2. How can you be a Barnabas to someone today?
Yellow Bubbles
MaryAnne Constantine

MaryAnne Constantine

MaryAnne is a passionate follower of Jesus, wife of thirty-eight years to Arthur, and mom to four adult children. A CPA, she founded her own tax business, allowing her to work from home while raising kids. After caring for aging parents in their golden years, she began providing home care for older adults. She also enjoys leading women’s Bible study groups and speaking for retreats. In all she does, MaryAnne seeks to glorify her Lord and Savior and help others experience the joy of His presence!

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