“God, the creator of art, the ultimate artist–endless in creativity, design, and ideas–led me down a winding road to find the artist hiding inside my soul.” Renee Robinson




For most of my life, I’ve been told I’m not creative, that art is not my strength. My stick figure drawings are unrecognizable, my paintings laughable. I’ve never sculpted a thing. Art class in 6th grade turned into a complete nightmare. My attempts at art, combined with the words spoken into my life, led me to believe that God created me with a lack of all artistic abilities and creativity.

My mom can take a collection of scrap materials and create a wreath fit for designer magazines. My sister can sit down with photographs and card stock to craft a scrapbook that looks professionally produced. I watch friends with their paintbrushes and empty canvases as they give little thought to colors and design; their hands seem to move with natural grace as they effortlessly create jaw-dropping works. 

What about me? When I listened to music, I was swept away by rhythms and melodies I could only dream of creating. I wanted to create art, too, but I’d accepted that God gave me gifts outside that world. I was wrong. God, the creator of art, the ultimate artist–endless in creativity, design, and ideas–led me down a winding road to find the artist hiding inside my soul.



When my three boys were babies, I began to document our days on a blog. Blogging started as a way for me to keep our long-distance family up to date. As time marched on, my writing shifted from documenting details to connecting God to those details, to encouraging others through the sharing of our experiences.

When I sat at my computer to write, my fingers began to type, and I could sense God sitting next to me. He felt so present. Suddenly, a world that felt chaotic seemed to come into order. My fingers pounded keys and my heart quickened as I heard his whispers. As I wrote about our life. I started to see his fingerprints covering our lives.

Life became a beautiful work of art. God used the art of writing to reveal to me that I’d been making art all along. I only failed to see it as art. My life is my art, and I express it every single day. God had created an artist within me, an artist that just looked different from those I used for comparison.

Whatever the world says about my art, it doesn’t matter. God looked at his creation and said it was very good.

Shouldn’t I have seen that his expressions of art would appear drastically different in each of us? Had I limited this God who painted a world of sunsets that render one speechless, this God who formed the seasons with their sharp contrasts of life and death? Had I missed his artistic creation within myself?

We make art with our life. Motherhood is art. Friendship is art. Sisterhood is art. Marriage is art. Acts of compassion and mercy are art.

Art is subjective, and to appreciate the art of our life, we have to search for the beauty. If we look closely, we can see art everywhere.

We are all the creators of art because we have been created by the creator of art. He has placed the ability in us to create art, to daily fashion a masterpiece. While we might not all sing, dance, paint, draw, or write, we all create art wherever we are. 

We Are All Artists first published by The High Calling on July 14, 2015. Theology of Work Project Online Materials by The High Calling are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Questions For Reflection

1. Do you consider yourself a creative adult? What narrative were you told as a child? By whom?

2. What is your personal definition of creativity?

3. What will your art look like today? 

Renee Robinson

Renee Robinson

Renee is married to her high school sweetheart, runs two businesses, and homeschools her three kiddos. She is authentically transparent, and her desire is to encourage others in their faith and inspire them to walk closer to the Lord. You can find her at renee-robinson.com, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

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