I want to be like sunshine ...



Answer my prayers, O Lord, for your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me, for your mercy is so plentiful. ( Psalm 69:16 NLT)




I want to be like sunshine; not a dark, gloomy cloud

But my mind and body shout so obnoxiously loud

Caring not about my desires or plans

They only fight viciously to gain the upper hand


Oft times I must rest when I’d much rather go

Causing discouragement which only God and I know

It’s like having a melody but the strings are all broken

Or having a song with the words left unspoken


It’s not by choice or of a lazy mindset at all

The drive for life remains, yet I always hit a wall

The “wall” is called fatigue and being chronically unwell

With hopes in my heart, imprisoned in each tired cell


I’m always tired and muddle through as I can

Upon waking, I think, “Was that a marathon I just ran?”

But don’t get me wrong, I’m a very grateful soul

God is faithful to walk beside me with each hard-hitting blow


My prayer is for healing, but only in God’s Will

His timing, His reasonings – I must accept, still

Dear Lord, while I tarry, please strengthen my soul

For this weary lot in life has taken its toll


Yet amidst the weakness, I have found my home

It is to dwell in Your presence where I’m never alone

Whether here or in Glory, ‘til this burden is lifted

‘Til the tears are dried and the healing is gifted


I ask that You stay with me until that day arrives

I know that I need You in order to survive

Thank you for the joys and respites along this path

I’ve felt the touch of Your hand – I honestly have!


I cannot summarize the point of my words

I guess all I am asking is for my feeble voice to be heard …


Maranda Mathis

Maranda Mathis

My name is Maranda Mathis and I am a chronic health warrior and writer. By God’s grace, I have nurtured a walk with God since the tender age of seven. My love for writing began as a child and continued throughout my teenage years when I discovered my love for poetry and songwriting. As others encouraged me to write, I found that God gave me the ability to communicate most effectively this way. I also have a strong desire to help God’s afflicted through realistic teachings based on Scripture. In order to facilitate this, I began my blog, Revealing Truth Today, on March 23, 2012; I’ve been writing ever since!

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