The Cambridge English Dictionary gives us that simple definition for the word dwelling: a place where people live. Yet, we each also dwell within these physical forms–our human bodies that are inherently lonely. No one else can feel the precise emotions we feel. No other person can hear the words that rumble around in our minds. There is not another one who can feel the exact pain of the chronic illnesses that so many of us carry.

Scriptures tell us so clearly that we are NOT alone. How can that be? The following four prayers and Scriptures uncover the truth of the ONE who is always with us: our Lord Jesus. He came to dwell with-in us. Now that’s an amazing thought!

What if we paused in our lonely places and asked Jesus to reveal Himself to us? What if we could lift our alone-ness up to Him as a prayer? Would you join us in these prayer prompts today?


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for coming near, for choosing to dwell with us, through the gift of Your son, Jesus. We admit that we feel so alone on many days. Would You open our eyes to see how near You are to us? Would You lift our focus to the fellowship which You have called us to join? Thank You for the precious gift of belonging that You have given to us. Thank You that Your Holy Spirit is bringing our weary and wounded hearts to You in every cry that we lift up. Help us today to offer our hearts to You. Your love is so precious to us.

In the name of Your son, Jesus we pray,



Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank You for the gift of Your coming to us. We are forever grateful that You chose to leave Heaven so that we can be joined with You. On our lowest and hardest days here, we ask You to remind us that You are preparing a place to be with You there. We are covered in the hope of Your appearing.  But Lord, we acknowledge that these moments of pain and weakness sometimes feel too heavy to carry. We see so many hurting, and we are bowed down for them also. Humbly, we ask You to lift our burdens, to bring relief, and to meet each one of our cares with Your deep compassion. Will You fill our hearts with Your glorious hope and peace today?

In Your precious name we pray



Dear Lord,

Thank You for the honor it is to bring our prayers to you. We come to you today remembering the Words You have given us in Psalm 63:6-7 “On my bed I remember You; I think of You through the watches of the night. Because You are my help, I sing in the shadow of Your wings.”  Thank You for the promise that You will be our help, even as we lie awake through those night watches.

When our hearts are too burdened to sleep, when the pain jolts us out of sleeping, will You remind us that You hear our cry even then? Help us to lift our prayers to You for our loved ones. We pray for those who might also be lying awake, hurting and not knowing that the Lord of Heaven is concerned for them. Would You stir in their hearts too? Thank You that we can lift our prayers as singing in the sweet place of the shadow of Your wings.

In the name of Jesus we pray,



Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank You for telling us that we are Your sheep, and You are the Shepherd. Thank You, Jesus, that You have fulfilled those dear promises in Psalm 23 that many of us grew up repeating: 

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

And so Lord would You show us how You are here with us in our darkest days? We confess that sometimes we feel that we are stranded with awful diseases directing our course. Oh, but Thank You, Lord, that YOU are the One asking us to follow You along the right path, even here in the deepest valley. Thank You that You are guiding us to lie down in Your safety, and rest in You. Thank You that You have given us Your protection so that we can offer our fears up to You.  We love You, our Sweet Shepherd.

In Your Name, Jesus, we pray,


Bettie Gilbert

Bettie Gilbert

Chronic Joy Contributing Writer

You can find Bettie blogging from her home in the far north suburbs of Chicago at bettiegsraseasons.com. She is walking forward with Jesus in the middle of her pain and weakness from multiple chronic illnesses. The beauty of nature and her family (including nine young grandchildren) are Bettie's joys. She and her husband have been married for over 40 years and take great delight in their weekend coffee breaks together.

Devotional Guide

Devotional Guide

Chronic Joy® devotionals are an invitation to take one gentle step, to pray in a comforting and familiar or perhaps new-to-you way, or to cry out on behalf of one precious life today … maybe even yours.

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