“Just like a broken bit of glass tossed into the ocean, refined by the waves, sand, and time, our chronic illnesses can wear away our sharp, broken edges and make us more beautiful if we journey with God through them.” Kara Plett
It was perfect timing. I was snuggled up with my cat and a cup of tea when my dear friend called for a video chat. We had some fun catching up and then she said, “It’s so hard to explain how tired I get to others. I need days to recover after…, but I know you understand.” She was aware that I too need recovery time. I have also found it hard to explain to others. Often, I’ve given up trying. How about you?
It is a relief to share with people who understand – but what about those who don’t share our journey? They also want to better understand, but it can be challenging to explain to them how we truly feel.
The Bible is full of metaphors that help us better understand truths [e.g., Jesus as a shepherd (Psalm 23:1) or Jesus as the bread of life (John 6:35)]. As Christians, we often use metaphors to talk about our life with Christ. In my devotional book (Searching for Sea Glass), I compared sea glass to my journey with chronic illnesses.
This metaphor has helped me journey with a renewed perspective on my illness.
What if we could use metaphors to help others understand how we are truly feeling – to help describe things like pain or fatigue?
Even as I type, fatigue is hitting me. Everyone gets tired, but how can I explain my fatigue? Is there a metaphor I could use that others would grasp? Maybe it’s the tightrope walk of doing too much or too little. Maybe it’s similar to a gas gauge on a car. Would jet lag describe it?
Do other metaphors come to mind for you? Do you think others would relate to them?
As I reflect, the best metaphor I can think of for my fatigue is comparing it to a faulty phone battery. Even though the phone is plugged in all night you don’t know how long the charge will last during the day. Just like the phone battery, I’m never quite sure how charged my battery will be or how quickly it will drain.
Having the phone battery metaphor quickly available gives me the confidence to explain fatigue to others who want to understand and journey beside me. What a gift it is to know how to effectively communicate with others!
If you have found a metaphor that describes your feelings, your attitude, or your challenges well, why not share it in the comments below? Maybe someone else will benefit from your experience.
Thank you to Chronic Joy for their printable Metaphor that is assisting me as I continue to work through finding better ways to share my journey with others.
Even when we feel alone on our journey with chronic illness, you bring others alongside us. Help us to communicate clearly to them and explain how we are feeling. Give us words when we feel at a loss – and as others listen to us, may we listen to them as they describe their journeys. In Jesus’ name, amen.
- Have you ever struggled to explain how you’re feeling to others?
- Do you see how using a metaphor might help others understand you better?
- What is one part of your journey that you would like others to appreciate? Why not start there?
We invite you to check out our printable, Metaphor – The Language of Pain. It explains metaphor and gives you many tips to help you get started.

Kara Plett
Staff Writer
Kara and her husband Conrad live in Calgary, Canada, where she was a teacher for 28 years. She loves the Word of God and encourages others through her devotional writing. Kara felt led to write a book of devotionals (Searching for Sea Glass) when her journey with chronic illnesses pressed her into God’s arms of love more deeply. She prays that her journey and refinement will encourage you in your walk with God.

Metaphor • A Bridge Between Pain & Understanding
Metaphors spark new understandings by helping us express the difficult parts of our stories in more easily accessible ways. They also help us explain a situation others may have little or no experience with.
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