“I’m smiling at the world around me … and I’m discovering wonder again.” (David Rupert)

Come and see the wonders of God; his acts for humanity are awe-inspiring. (Psalm 66:5 CSB)




I wasn’t happy about having to walk to work, but the family was short a vehicle and our schedules just didn’t match up. It wasn’t really a big deal. The office was just a mile and half away and I needed the exercise. It was a crisp fall morning, so there was really no excuse.

My grumbling spirit soon gave way to amazement. Suddenly, my eyes were opened.




I saw so many things at three miles an hour I would have never seen at 55mph! There was the intricate flower bed along the side of Betty’s house with lush flowers in bunches that almost looked like the florist had designed the plantings, the gentle “S” the creek formed as it flowed around the Anderson’s back yard with pockets of still water where frogs lived and skeeters dashed on the water’s surface, and the drawn curtains at Old Joe’s house, where he withdrew to live in his world of distrust.

I saw old cars peeking out of backyards, resident cats that lurked in windowsills, and a small snake sunning on a driveway.

I had driven the route a thousand times, and there were so many things I had just overlooked. The lesson of speeding past details isn’t lost on me today.

There is so much I’ve missed in life.




I’m purposely re-walking some paths over which I’ve previously raced. I’m finding joy in old movies, old books, and childhood friendships — and I’m finding life in things I thought were long dead.

Opening the Bible and rereading familiar passages with freshness and newness, I’m stunned: the 23rd Psalm with all its familiarity, the Book of John, Proverbs, the Beatitudes. Instead of reading Scripture to find great truths to show others, I’m finding God’s intimate letters, written just for me.




Like a child who discovers a long lost toy in a corner, I’m smiling at the world around me. I’m sitting in church, eager now to learn, soaking in the Spirit. I’m loving the songs with words of life—those same songs that I used to wish would just end.

I’m learning the value of friendships and love in ways I never thought possible.

I’m discovering wonder again. Is it too late to dream?

How about you? What is one thing you’ve recently discovered? 

I Wonder as I Wander first published at Patheos on November 8, 2012.​ *Published with permission.

Questions For Reflection

1. Where have you been speeding past the details in life?

2. Pull up a chair and set a timer for five minutes. Sit quietly and observe the details around you – what you see, hear, feel, and smell. What surprises you? What details do you notice that you’ve been walking right past?

3. Pause for a few minutes several times today. Notice what catches your attention and where you rediscover wonder.


David Rupert

David Rupert

David Rupert lives in Golden, CO. He works professionally as a strategic communication specialist. In his off-duty time, he organizes writers and is currently heading one of the largest writing communities in the United States, Writers on the Rock. He’s also a writer himself, published in Christianity TodayReal LivingBreakpointThe High Calling, and a variety of other Christian and leadership publications. David’s a conference speaker and a good guy to have around.

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