Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)



This day, all His mercies are new.
This day ev’ry promise is true.
Father, help me to believe,
Give me the faith I need to know You
And trust You this day. This day.

Lord God, we want to pause right now and say “Thank You” for this day. Help us to acknowledge and celebrate Your continuing presence with us. May what we do and say enrich our journey of discipleship, and may it reflect both Your great love for us and our love for You.

When we get caught up in the details of our lives – the demands and commitments, the habits and struggles, the meds and treatments, the relationships and the input from so many places – when we get caught up in all of that, it is so easy for us to forget that all we really have in this life is . . . this day. Whatever day it is, this is the day we have. We are promised no more than that, ever.


May we say “Thank You” amid each of the “this days” we are given – for every one of them. They land in our lap like small jewels. Sometimes, that jewel of a day is shiny and filled with promise; sometimes, it feels decidedly dull or even dark. Whatever our days contain, each one always holds the gift of life with You – always.

When we are walking through seasons of loss, massive change, anxious wondering about what is coming next, or new beginnings (like the school year, a new job, a new diagnosis, or an uncertain invitation of some kind), those are the times when it’s harder for us to take that pause, to hit the reset button and say, “Ah, the gift of this day! Thank you, Lord.”

Forgive us for the myriad ways we allow that gift to get buried beneath our lists, our worries, our illnesses, our obligations, our need to control outcomes, and our fears about the future.

Release us, O Lord, from all that and help us hear Your gentle invitation to trust, to follow, to be thankful, to accept with grace whatever each of our “this days” may bring us.

Guide us now and lead us into the truth You have for us to learn this day. May we open our hearts for Jesus’ sake, through the power of the Holy Spirit, because of the love of our Good Creator, amen.


  • Can you thank God for this day? Prayerfully thank God for one thing.
  • On difficult days, what is one small thing you can celebrate? Check out the printable Living a Life of Celebration for ideas.
  • When you are sad and discouraged, try pouring out your heart to God in a prayer of lament using our printable Writing a Psalm of Lament, as a guide.
Yellow Bubbles
Diana R.G. Trautwein

Diana R.G. Trautwein

Chronic Joy® Contributing Writer & Creative

Diana is a follower of Jesus, wife to Richard since 1965, mom to three adult children, blessed MIL to their three spouses, Nana to 8 grandkids ranging in age from 13-32, and GMIL to one amazing young woman (who just passed her doctoral dissertation in mathematics - hooray!). She has been a stay-at-home mom, a small business owner, a mid-life seminary student and TA, and a pastor for over 20 years. Diana is also a certified spiritual director and a Chronic Joy® Contributing Writer & Creative. Connect with her at

Prayer of Examen

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