5 Ways to Connect When You Feel Most Disconnected


Those impacted by illness and pain are all too familiar with isolation, loneliness, and feeling forgotten. Chronic grief ebbs and flows, but over time we can begin to live well in the midst of chronic pain, chronic loss, and chronic suffering. We are wired to connect, so how do we connect with people when we are homebound? For many of us this question isn’t new. However, because of COVID-19, it has been a shocking, sobering, and a very uncomfortable reality for many people.

Is it possible that those of us living with chronic illness are uniquely prepared for such a time as this – to shepherd and love our community from a distance? (Pamela Piquette)



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Happy Bubbles

2. Share life and Discover Hope

Radical Connection

Radical Community

Sharing Life & Discovering Hope.

We were created for radical connection—authentic and balanced relationships rooted in love and steeped in prayer. Reaching out is a risk, but the greater risk is living life alone.



Encourage Friends and Loved Ones

#PenToPaper is a powerful way to encourage one another, offer hope, and let a friend or loved one know they are prayed for, cared about, and loved. Use these short, heartfelt messages as a great place to begin. Click here for your FREE resource.

Looking for eye-catching, faith-based FREE images to encourage friends and loved ones with a beautiful photo in your text, email, or message? Learn More.

How about tucking an encouraging blog post in a card? Print our posts right from your computer! 

Happy Bubbles


#ConnectByText - Looking for a way to connect with, inspire, encourage, and love on others? Text them! Never underestimate the power of a simple text.


Spice up your text life! Infuse someone’s day with encouragement, hope, and kindness. Share a heartfelt prayer, inspiring photo, or favorite Bible verse. Send a virtual smile with a fun fact or silly joke. Never underestimate the power of a simple text.



76 Marriage Questions

76 Questions to Connect You as Couple

Approach these questions slowly in any order you choose, one question and one conversation at a time over many months. This is an exploration and an opportunity to grow more deeply in love as you rediscover one another.

Click here for your FREE guide.

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