The Lord is abounding in love.

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. (Psalm 103:8)


But you, Lord, do not be far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me. (Psalms 22:19)

When you think about drawing closer to God, it may sound appealing and make you feel at peace. It may also sound scary. Perhaps something holds you back. If so, be honest about any thoughts that come to mind. You have to begin somewhere, so explore how you perceive God from this honest starting point. Your view of Him can affect your trust in Him and whether you want Him to hold a more significant role in your life. Examining these perceptions may help uncover why you feel reluctant and give you a nudge toward desiring closeness with Him.



Do you see God like you see your earthly father? If your father was a loving person you could rely on, you might not struggle. However, if he was not loving, it might be worth your while to consider if you relate your heavenly father to your earthly father.

  • Maybe you did not know your earthly father, so you see God as distant or unconcerned with your welfare.
  • If your father was abusive, you may see God as a tyrant.
  • If your dad neglected you, you might assume God does not want to be bothered.
  • If he criticized you, you may be convinced that God is quick to berate people.
  • If he compared you with others, you might feel God only notices those who measure up to others.
  • If your father had high expectations of you, you might surmise God is only interested in those who meet an expected standard.
  • If he seemed to withhold his love unless you excelled in something, you might struggle to believe that God loves without condition.
  • Perhaps your dad was a pushover, so believing that God is in control is hard.

There are numerous possibilities, but these examples may help you explore your view of God as your father yourself.


Life events. You may have formed your view of God through life events and circumstances. It’s a natural thing to do, but it can skew how you see Him. Perhaps you wonder how God could have allowed you to be stricken with a chronic illness when you feel you can serve Him better with a healthy body. You may question your well-being’s importance to Him and why He allowed chronic illness into your life.

Others’ conclusions. As you hear others describe God, you may take their conclusions and make them your own, but remember – just because someone else has come to a certain realization about God does not mean it is true. Scripture tells the truth of who God is. Believe the Bible even if it contradicts your thoughts and feelings about God. Concentrate on the truth and let go of your perceptions.


Once you have looked at how you formed your view of God, ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment as you evaluate and adjust this view to align it with the person Scripture says He is. From there, you may want to focus on His great love for you.

Keep in mind that God’s love is abundant (The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. Psalm 103:8). Look for evidence of God’s love in your life. It might be difficult to see at first, but if you look diligently, you will find it.

  • You might see His love in His protection from something that came close to hurting you but didn’t.
  • You may notice His love in how He led you to others who genuinely care for and support you.

There are countless possibilities if you just look. Jot down what comes to mind. Search for verses, quotes, and songs about God’s love. Drink in their meaning. As you embrace His love, the desire to draw closer to Him may grow.

Take time to examine how you formed your view of God and how you truly see Him. Compare your perception of Him to what the Bible says about who He is. Ask for help if needed so you can settle this in your mind and open your heart more to Him. He loves you beyond your comprehension. Once you genuinely believe that, you are on your way to drawing closer to Him.

(For more encouragement in this area, watch for an upcoming article entitled “Drawing Closer to God.”)


I invite you to check out the printable Verses for Comfort and Encouragement, which contains many scripture verses offering comfort, peace, encouragement, and more

Happy Bubbles
Laurie Glass

Laurie Glass

Staff Writer

Laurie has a Master's Degree in Christian Counseling and is the author of Coping with ME/CFS. Many of her poems and articles have been published in print and online. She won the Open Medicine Foundation poetry contest in 2019. Laurie loves to use her gift of writing to encourage others. Her book Expressing Your Grief: Through Poems and Prayers is available on Amazon.

Verses to Comfort and Encourage

25 Verses to Comfort and Encourage

When we’re lonely, anxious, afraid, or overwhelmed, the most significant thing we can do is turn to the one who knows us and loves us completely – the God of all comfort.

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