Wonder pulses through every atom of creation & through every precious one of us. (Cindee Snider Re)
Wonder – to be amazed, enthralled, curious, awestruck, fascinated, surprised, transfixed
I long to feel all those things, yet pain and illness often coat my days with an opaque film. How can I stand in awe when I’m exhausted, lonely, and dispirited?
Yet wonder is an invitation to peel back the film and be captivated by the sparkling morning light, surprised by an iridescent dragonfly, and transfixed by the Spirit in every atom of creation.
Wonder invites us to let the brokenness slide off our shoulders for a while.
Nearly a decade ago, four of our five kids and I had just been diagnosed with serious, chronic illness. As our world grew increasingly antiseptic, exhaustion obliterated wonder, industrial floor cleaners scrubbed away surprise, medical research eclipsed awe, and curiosity was neatly cut out by the scalpel of loss.
But when we lose the wonder of creation, we lose the wonder of who God is and who we were created to be in Him. God created everything with a word, speaking it into being—over 100 billion stars, and He knows all of them by name, every sparrow, every hair on every head, and every day of our lives before one of them comes to be.
When a friend reached out and invited me to shoot the cover of her forthcoming e-book, I suddenly recognized how dry and dusty my heart had grown, and I felt a bright little spark of curiosity. I was thirsty for hope, hungry for beauty, and desperate for wonder.
Creation is full of wonder. We are full of wonder. Our broken bodies and minds might not feel full of wonder, but they are because God is present in every detail.
In Mark 9:15, we read: As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were:
Each of us is unique and one of a kind, purposed, and full of awe and wonder, for we are created by God, for God, and in His image. Every strand of our DNA carries His holy imprint.
When was the last time you were astonished by the wonder of God?
Step outside today. Close your eyes. Breathe deep, and feel the sun on your face. How does the air smell? What is just beneath your feet?
Do you hear the breeze whispering through the pines, a bird singing, or an insect buzzing? How many sounds can you identify?
Open your eyes. Notice the patterns of light and shadow, colors and shapes. Pay attention to movement. What catches your eye?
Watch your shadow as you walk. Where do you sense God moving? How is He meeting you today?
Wonder pulses through every atom of creation and every precious one of us. It is in the faces of humanity, the sunlight streaming through the window, the ladybug perched on the windowsill.
Are you ready to peel back the film covering your days and let your soul begin to breathe?
Wonder is waiting for you!
1. Where do you see God’s fingerprint today?
2. How does creation help you to step into God’s presence, to know Him better, to long to know Him more?
3. How is God meeting you in the dark?

Cindee Snider Re
Author, Designer, and Co-Founder of Chronic Joy®
Cindee is married to the man she loves most in this world, mama to five adult kids, four of whom are married, and Lolli to an adorable grandson. Cindee and her five kids have Ehlers-Danlos, intractable migraines, and myriad co-existing conditions. While a life steeped in illness is not what she would have chosen, through it, she’s learning that the deeper the valley, the greater her capacity for joy.
Cindee is the author of Discovering Hope, Finding Purpose, Embracing Worth, and I Take You in Sickness and in Health.

Wonder Walks • A Prayer Guide
Wonder Walks is an invitation to savor God’s holy fingerprint in every atom of creation, to engage our senses, to cultivate curiosity, to listen for His still small voice, and to delight in His extraordinary creativity.

Wonder Walks • Trail Signs
Wonder nourishes our souls, inviting us to feast on the inexplicable mystery of the Holy, witnessing God's fingerprint in every atom of creation.
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