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Marriage, illness, and never wanting to let go.

She held his hand like she never wanted to let him go.


“She held his hand like she never wanted to let him go,my husband told me quietly one evening. It had been a tough day. A co-worker whom my husband deeply respected was losing his battle with cancer. Russ and his wife had stopped by the office to pick up his things and say goodbye. He was a tremendously talented man, father of three young children, and husband of a beautiful wife, with a contagious passion for life.

My husband’s out-of-character words came to my mind as I cut the grass the following afternoon.


“Lord, is that what my husband wants—to know he is so deeply loved that I never want to let him go?” The question simmered for a couple of weeks until one afternoon, a friend asked me how I was doing. When I hesitated and shrugged, she asked again, not letting me off the hook with a quick “fine.”

“I’ve been in more pain than usual,” I admitted, “and I’m retreating from the world again. Communicating is difficult when the pain is bad, and sometimes, it requires more energy than I’m willing to invest.”

Saying those words aloud—willing to invest—sliced through to my soul. I hadn’t realized that selfishness had crept in with the pain until I said those three words out loud. I wondered how often I expected my husband to know what I was feeling, to understand my frustration, loneliness, and isolation, and to somehow figure out, without being told, how difficult communication can be for me when the pain is bad.

Too often.

I expected my husband to read my mind, but he can’t.

Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. (Psalm 139:4)

Though God knows every word I’m going to say before I say it, even He wants more than that. He longs for an honest relationship with me, to spend time with me, to come to Him in prayer, to sit at His feet, and rest in His presence. And if that is true of God, how can it be any less true of my husband?

Suddenly, my husband’s words made sense.

We all long to be loved.

My silence wasn’t just isolating me; it was isolating my husband, too, cutting us off from one another. My husband longed not only for my words but also for my touch, to know that he is loved—deeply, personally, and intimately.

Like I never want to let him go.


Father, You know everything we are feeling and thinking, yet You love it when we share with You. Help us to share honestly with our loved ones—to be heard and to hear what they are saying, too. Thank You for the gift of our spouses. May we love them as You love us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


  • How much do you think your spouse knows about how you are feeling on a day-to-day basis?
  • Can you name a time when you have isolated yourself from others?
  • What would you like to share with God today?


If you’re looking for a place to start a conversation with your spouse, take a look at Words Are Powerful. Spend some time with your spouse talking through the questions.

Happy Bubbles
Cindee Snider Re

Cindee Snider Re

Author, Designer, and Co-Founder of Chronic Joy®

Cindee is married to the man she loves most in this world, mama to five adult kids, four of whom are married, and Lolli to an adorable grandson. Cindee and her five kids have Ehlers-Danlos, intractable migraines, and myriad co-existing conditions. While a life steeped in illness is not what she would have chosen, through it, she’s learning that the deeper the valley, the greater her capacity for joy.

Cindee is the author of Discovering Hope, Finding Purpose, Embracing Worth, and I Take You in Sickness and in Health.

I TAKE YOU IN SICKNESS & IN HEALTH: Marriage with Chronic Illness

Cindee Snider Re

Rejuvenate, revitalize, rekindle, and reconnect by using this insightful and enriching 10-chapter study (designed just for couples) that offers you and your spouse a safe place to grieve, heal, grow, dream together, and thrive as onein sickness and in health.


Buy from Amazon

Words are Powerful

Ask your spouse which of these phrases is meaningful to them or if there are other phrases they would like to hear. Both you and your spouse could highlight phrases on either side of this printable to help you remember what is powerful to your spouse.