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Rivers of God's light  cascading down on us.

Dear Father, help us to see the rivers of light cascading down on us. May we catch Your perspective as we walk with You today. In Jesus’ name, amen. (Kara Plett)


Love it or hate it, social media is a part of most of our lives. Chronic Joy does a wonderful job of using it for good. When you scroll through your Facebook/Instagram feed, you will find that Chronic Joy often shares a timely Scripture, a thoughtful devotional, or a quick prompt (To follow or not to follow, that is the question).

The other day, I saw a suggestion to stop and browse through the photos on your phone. I had some time, so I did just that.

As I perused my pictures, I found myself smiling at the entertaining antics of our cat. I was reminded of the fun I had just had with my nieces on a recent visit. A picture of my dad’s 85th birthday filled me with gratitude; earlier this year, we did not think he would live to see his birthday (What a gift to have more time with him!). A photo with my husband taken on one of our drives to the mountains close to our home filled me with thanks to God for giving me this man.


As I scanned the pictures, I experienced so many thoughts and emotions. The pictures reminded me of different places and caused my mind to linger on blessings. When I laid my phone down, I thanked God for His provision and blessings. Every one of them is a gift from Him.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:17)

Look at how this same Scripture is written in The Message: Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light.

What a picture! His gifts are like “rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light.”

As I read this verse, I wanted to express my gratitude further. I grabbed my journal and drew some streams of light coming down from heaven on one of the pages. In each beam, I wrote one of the blessings my photo scroll had prompted. Wow! What a God we have who wants to shine beauty on us in this way!


This prompted some further action with my phone. Many of the blessings God has given me are relationships. So, I texted one or two of these special people to tell them how thankful I am for them. Nothing more—just that “I’m thankful for you.” I hope it brought a smile to their face like their pictures brought joy to me.

One prompt on Facebook from Chronic Joy—and look at where it took me. I am so glad I stopped and scrolled through my photos. I love how God used it in my life and (maybe) in the lives of some people I love.


Dear Father, thank You for surrounding us with good and perfect gifts. Help us to see the rivers of light cascading down on us. Prompt us to use the technology You have given us for something good. May we catch Your perspective as we walk with You today. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Follow (Click Like.) Chronic Joy on Facebook, Instagram, X, and Pinterest for blessings when you scroll. Also, if you have not signed up for Chronic Joy’s blog, devotionals, and newsletters, why not do so today? (The subscribe button at the bottom of the page makes it easy to sign up.) You will be encouraged (just like I was).


  1. How can you use your phone as a tool for good?
  2. Scroll through your photos and thank God for reminding you of His provision and blessings. You could also try picturing your gratitude with a drawing.
  3. Can you send a quick text to someone who has blessed you?
Happy Bubbles
Kara Plett

Kara Plett

Staff Writer

Kara and her husband Conrad live in Calgary, Canada, where she taught for 28 years. She loves the Word of God and encourages others through her devotional writing. Kara felt led to write a book of devotionals (Searching for Sea Glass) when her journey with chronic illnesses pressed her more deeply into God’s arms of love. She prays that her journey and refinement will encourage your walk with God.

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