“All of creation pulses with God’s creativity.”
About two years ago, during my morning quiet time of listening and journalling what the Lord wanted to share with me, He gave me these words:
“Do not doubt My ability to do wondrous things. Continue seeking wonder. Look for My glory.”
I have been keeping a gratitude list for the past eight years, and longing to be obedient, I added one new wonder each night.
Not only was I commanded to look for wonder, but I also knew I needed to strengthen my hurting body by walking as much and as often as possible.
Imagine the leap in my heart as I was browsing the Printable pages on the Chronic Joy website and came across Wonder Walks – A Prayer Guide. The page begins by reminding us “All of creation pulses with God’s creativity.”
On most days my walks were around our backyard. It wasn’t hard to see God’s glory as plants began to push up from the earth. I watched them sprout leaves, then buds, then unfurl in unexpected colors. Who else but the Creator Himself could work such magic?
I feel like
the color pushing
against the green
anxious for the breakout
curled in tight, hidden
fed by the roots
but thirsty for light
there is pain mingled
joy in the waiting
then reaching
the deep
breathing stretch
toward new life
reaching long
tension strains
to break free
the art of
each movement a step
into the unknown
but promised glory
of now
And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you. (Philippians 1:6)
day by day
I have watched
the transformation
of a single rose
moving from glory
to glory
may it be unto us
the very same
as everything must change
Soon, as leaves turn and the air chills, change will be evident. I will continue marking wonder. I encourage you to do the same.
Stop, look, listen, and wonder. God is all around you.
Father God, I thank You for being the Great Creator. Signs of Your work abound in all we see, hear, smell, and feel. Help us to be ever more aware of You day by day. Help us to always point to You, even with broken bodies, in Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
- Have you had a chance to check the printable page on Wonder Walking? You can find it (HERE)
- Which way do you most notice wonder? Sight, smell, sound, or touch?
- Where is your favourite place to seek the work of God’s hand?
Wonder nourishes our souls, inviting us to feat on the inexplicable mystery of the Holy, witnessing God’s fingerprints in every atom of creation. Consider this your invitation to check out our two great printables: Wonder Walks: A Prayer Guide and Wonder Walks: Trail Signs.
I challenge you to begin to keep a record of the wonders you find. Give God the glory!

Karin Fendick
Contributing Writer
Karin is a handmaiden of the Lord, saved by grace, a worshiper, a poet, a broken heart, a lover of words, His work in progress on the Potter's wheel. She is hungry for truth and amazed by love. After five years in Africa, Karin and Rick (her beloved husband of almost twenty-five years) are back in rural Canada, where chronic pain drives her to the feet of Jesus. She is powered by prayer, love, and many cups of strong coffee. She is the author of From Ashes to Glory (A Psalm a Day).

Wonder Walks • A Prayer Guide
Wonder Walks is an invitation to savor God’s holy fingerprint in every atom of creation, to engage our senses, to cultivate curiosity, to listen for His still small voice, and to delight in His extraordinary creativity.
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