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You Are So Loved

The Lord your God is with you … He will take great delight in you … he will sing for joy because of you. (Zephaniah 3:17)


With almost 60% of the population living with one or more chronic illnesses, Chronic Joy’s mission field is tremendous. While our hearts long to love on each and every person affected by illness, reaching so many seems daunting. When Chronic Joy began, God provided a simple framework that still guides us today.

While on earth, Jesus focused His attention on the one precious person in front of Him. The translation for us is to minister one precious life at a time. So one-by-one-by-one we invite, encourage, and remind those affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability that God is with us. He delights in us, and He sings for joy because we are His beloved.

With illness and pain as constant companions, our hope can run thin as we begin to think less and less of ourselves — less valued, less worthy, less loved.

That’s why we post encouraging and inspiring images, messages, and posts, each day on social media. It is also the reason we publish several inspiring blog posts each week, and send old-school #PenToPaper snail mail several times a year. It’s a way of reminding our community and beyond that God sees and loves each of us dearly.

#ConnectByText - Looking for a way to connect with, inspire, encourage, and love on others? Text them! Never underestimate the power of a simple text.


Looking for a way to connect with, encourage, inspire, and love on others? Text them! Encourage someone, spread a little hope, and let another know they are cared about, prayed for, and loved. Never underestimate the power of a simple text. 


Infinite Worth

He left the 99 to rescue me – yesterday, today, and always (Matthew 18:12 paraphrase). Our worth isn't based on who we are or what we can do but on who God is. We are the work of His hands.

You Are So Loved

Do you love yourself as God loves you? Do you live as if you’re valuable? Do you live as if you’re set free?

Happy Bubbles


Do you know that you are a precious child of God? You are so loved and we are grateful for you! Can you imagine how it might sound to hear the One who spoke creation into being singing for joy because of you? God has purposed and planned for you. He knows you fully and loves you completely — as is. While God doesn’t promise us a life without pain, loss, suffering, or grief, He does promise to be with us in it. No matter what happens, even when it seems almost impossible, He is with us.

This message is for each one of us and for those in our mission field. We invite you to step in. Drop some #PenToPaper packets in the mail. Or, if you prefer, make a contribution so we can continue to do this important work.


Lord, it deeply humbles me that You delight in me and sing for joy because of me. How is it possible that You love me so much? How can I be worthy of such merciful, abundant, tender, and sacrificial love? Oh, how I long to rest in Your Presence, to trust You more, and to grow in relationship with You! Thank you for nourishing my soul with grace upon grace — and mercies new every morning. Amen. 

$6 Makes a Difference



You will brighten a day by blessing others with an envelope of hope, ensuring depression, caregiving, marriage, anxiety, self-care, prayer, grief resources, and so many more are just a click away.

Sponsor A Little Sonshine

Sponsor A Little Sonshine!

Join Chronic Joy in sending packets of pint-sized fun to kids worldwide affected by illness and pain CJ Star and his winsome Sonshine Squad encourage our Littles to be brave and kind, have fun, keep praying, and try new things.

⭐️  Donate $6 – Fund one fun-filled envelope for one precious Little.

⭐️  Donate $12 – Supply exciting and engaging activity sheets.

⭐️  Donate $50 – Provide shareable stickers for our Littles and their friends.

Happy Bubbles