My seven-year-old self practiced the song with the hymn book my mother had given me. I knew my older brother would be home from college soon. Wouldn’t he be proud to see me singing along with the words at church the following Sunday?
I could not have known how firmly those words would cling to my heart and mind through the many decades ahead:
He leadeth me, He leadeth me,
by his own hand, he leadeth me;
His faithful follower I would be,
for by His hand, He leadeth me.
So often throughout my life, I sang that same hymn over and over and lifted those words as a prayer before the Lord. I loved the way it helped me sense his direction.
…addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart… (Ephesians 5:19)
My path following the Lord was certainly not always smooth, but He tenderly nudged my steps back to him whenever I strayed—until the day when my path became choked with chronic illness and pain. His guidance seemed to evaporate, and the words of my favorite childhood hymn seemed to shout out the ways that I could not possibly be following his path:
Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mine,
Nor ever murmur or repine;
Content, whatever lot I see,
Since ‘tis thy hand that Leadeth me.
No murmuring?
Filled with contentment?
Surely, I was not on His path if these words that had felt like my childhood friends now so troubled my heart! I retraced the words of the first verse. Could it be that this journey filled with chronic illness was still his leading?
He leadeth me! O blessed thought!
O words with heav’nly comfort fraught!
Whate’er I do, wher’er I be,
Still ‘tis God’s hand that leadeth me!
The answer to my questions had lain before me all along. Even in the darkness of pain, He guided my every step. What was I to do when that murmuring rose up? Look to him! Then HE would gift me with contentment as we traveled on, clasped hand in hand.
A little girl memorized this simple hymn, which became a lifelong prayer for every step of her journey. Is it possible that God has a similar gift for you, my friend?
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the wealth of comfort You help Your people share through hymns and songs. We are amazed by how those simple tunes and words touch our hearts so profoundly! Please help us look deeply into our questions and longings as You bring expression to hidden prayers. We worship You and love You, our dear Savior. In the name of Your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen
I invite you to look over Hymns: An Enduring Journey of Prayer (a free Chronic Joy printable) and join me in these questions for reflection:
- Is there a question in your heart that feels difficult to pray about?
- Can you ask God to help you find a hymn that connects with that question?
- Could you voice your thoughts through the words of that hymn and offer your heart in prayer right then and there?
Bettie Gilbert
Contributing Writer
You can find Bettie blogging from her home in the far north suburbs of Chicago at bettiegsraseasons.com. She is walking forward with Jesus in the middle of her pain and weakness from multiple chronic illnesses. The beauty of nature and her family (including ten grandchildren) are Bettie's joys. She and her husband have been married for over 40 years and take great delight in their weekend coffee breaks together.
Abiding in Him is a devotional memoir by Bettie and her husband, Barry.
Hymns: An Enduring Journey of Prayer
Hymns are an often overlooked form of prayer. What are you struggling with today? Have you taken it to God in prayer? Hymns can help us express the deepest and greatest longings of our hearts.
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