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God's goodness infuses fresh faith.

Declaring the truth of God’s goodness infuses fresh faith for the future. (Lee Ann Zanon)


Connecting with others who walk the road of chronic pain is deeply meaningful. Mutual understanding assures me I am not alone and offers a haven of community. I still cherish friendships established before the onset of chronic pain five years ago, but sharing similar suffering paves a unique path of compassion and authenticity.

My circle of fellow sufferers includes several people I have never met. I receive timely help from those who regularly contribute to the Chronic Joy blog and find support in the writings of authors Amy Carmichael (Candles in the Dark), Elisabeth Elliot (Shadow of the Almighty), and Ann Voskamp (The Broken Way). God has repeatedly used their wise words to remind me of pain’s redemptive value when surrendered to His care. Esther Smith’s book, Chronic Illness—Walking by Faith, has been particularly relevant, addressing specific challenges with honesty and hope.



Yet, above all else, the Bible has been and continues to be my ultimate source of consolation, as expressed in Psalm 119:50:

This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life.

The term affliction resonates with my heart and mind. Webster’s Dictionary defines it as “continued pain … something that imposes a strain on one’s powers of endurance.” I can relate. I also see words of promise in this verse: comfort and life. The Lord uses these words to prompt remembrance of His past faithfulness, lifting me from pain-inflicted despair.

There is something especially powerful in reading Scripture that echoes our reality. I find great encouragement in Psalm 142:1-2:

I cry aloud to the Lord, I make supplication, I pour out my complaint, I declare my trouble to Him.

I speak this lament aloud, allowing it to hover over my soul: cry, complaint, trouble—such simple yet vivid language! Knowing I am free to follow the Bible’s example of praying with transparency reminds me it is important to do so. Too often, I dismiss difficult emotions and focus on giving thanks. The Lord keeps calling me to bring Him all my heart, every place of struggle, and praise.

The final verse of Psalm 142 instills renewed hope:

For You will deal bountifully with me.

Declaring the truth of God’s goodness infuses fresh faith for the future. I long for healing and relief but find rest in releasing expectations. His Word provides the strength I need to trust Him day by day, comfort amid affliction that only He can give.



O Lord, You see each of us as no one else can. You understand the ache of body and soul born from chronic suffering. Thank You for the Bible, Your outpouring of life, love, and truth. Please remind us to turn there often, clinging to who You are and what You have promised. Amen.


  • What type of affliction do you consistently experience?
  • How does it impact your life?
  • Where in God’s Word can you find comfort?
Golden Bubbles
Lee Ann Zanon

Lee Ann Zanon

Staff Writer

Lee Ann is passionate about spreading the truth of Scripture. For decades, she served in various women’s ministry roles (including teaching at Corban University for ten years) until chronic pain dramatically changed her life. Her background as a Bible teacher, retreat speaker, worship leader, editor, and writer has prepared her perfectly for her current focus on writing and providing one-on-one encouragement. She and her husband Mike have two adult daughters and five precious grandchildren who live just five minutes away—a gift beyond description! She is the author of Honest Hope.

Verses to Comfort and Encourage

25 Verses to Comfort and Encourage

When we’re lonely, anxious, afraid, or overwhelmed, the most significant thing we can do is turn to the one who knows us and loves us completely – the God of all comfort.