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Arms Open • Intercessory Prayer

Moses said to Joshua, “Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.” (Exodus 17:9)


So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. (Exodus 17:10-11)

Why was it important that Moses stood on a hill with his arms open?

The battle went well as long as his arms were lifted high and open, but when he faltered, the warriors lost ground. Lifted high, his arms represented his openness and willingness to pray in line with God and intercede on behalf of the Israelites.


Intercessory prayer is simply a prayer for others. An intercessor is one who takes the place of another or pleads another’s case. The primary principle of intercession is to communicate back to God what He first inspires in us. It is a means of releasing His power. God invites us what and how to pray in His Word. We can pray the Bible. It is profoundly simple as God’s brilliant strategy for including each of us with Him in power. Its mystery is in its simplicity and accessibility to all.

God has chosen intercession as the primary means by which He releases His power now and forever.


  • causes us to internalize God’s Word and it changes us.
  • unites our heart to the people and places we pray for.
  • renews our hope and faith.
  • imparts life (John 6:63).
  • makes a long-term impact beyond this age.
  • humbles us.
  • causes multiple blessings to return to the intercessor (Luke 6:38).


  • Who is God impressing on your heart?
  • What is He trying to change in your heart? Is there avoidance or difficulty in a relationship?
  • Have you interceded and yet don’t see the “fruit” of that prayer?
  • Are you wondering if your voice even makes a difference?
  • Ask, listen, and pray.


Lord Jesus, Your arms are always open, always interceding for us, always listening, and always praying out of love and compassion for us. Holy Spirit, we ask that You inspire us to pray fervently for those you place on our hearts. Like Moses, we have prayed for some relationships and people for so long that our arms are weary, so please give us fresh hope to continue to pray. We need You to fill us with love and compassion so we can pray with wide-open arms for those who are difficult to love. We desperately need You, Lord, to remind us of the tremendous privilege it is to lift others before You. We pray in Your power and for Your glory. Amen.


Happy Bubbles
Pamela Piquette

Pamela Piquette

Executive Director and Co-Founder of Chronic Joy®

Pamela, a leader and a visionary following God's call to inspire those affected by chronic illness, mental illness, and chronic pain, believes that every precious life impacted by illness is both vital and purposed.

Pamela is a wife of more than 35 years, the mom of three married children, and a grandma of six. She is diagnosed with chronic migraines and other chronic conditions. She enjoys baking sourdough bread and chocolate chip cookies, drinking hot tea, being outdoors, and reading (almost always more than one book at a time).

Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory prayer is a conduit of God’s mercy and grace. As we pray for others, we grow in compassion, patience, and humility, learning to love one another as we love ourselves.