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Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds ...




Have you wondered what God is doing in your difficult circumstances? Why God allows suffering into our lives? Do you wonder what is the purpose of suffering? It’s natural to ask why and to want to see some benefit from our suffering, because it makes us feel better if we can see good coming out of the difficult situations in our lives. It makes it seem more “worth it” when we can see a purpose for it all.

If you’ve ever wondered what God is up to, then I have good news for you. God is doing something. He is doing something very good, indeed.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:2-4)

God’s Word promises us that the trials in our lives are producing in us a character that is mature or complete. God is using the difficult situations in our lives to build in us qualities like patience, empathy for others, kindness, and a strong faith in Him. Our trials are giving us the gift of being able to see beyond the shallow things in life and find true meaning and value in those things that are really important. This produces in us wisdom and spiritual depth that only comes from enduring the really hard stuff of life.



What is the purpose of suffering?

God is creating something beautiful in us through it all.
When you live with chronic illness, there is a tendency to think of yourself as “broken.” In the midst of that broken feeling, let it bring you real joy to know that God is making you beautiful through the brokenness in your life. Be encouraged that you are becoming more and more like your Savior, who learned obedience and humility in His suffering (see Philippians 2:5-11 & Hebrews 5:8).
It is a beautiful thing to become like our Savior, and it is in becoming like Him that others are drawn to Him through us. They see something different in us – real joy, real hope, real peace.



When that happens, be courageous and tell them where your joy, hope, and peace come from. Tell others what anchors your soul in the storms of life. Let your light shine like a lighthouse shines in the darkness, and share that light with others who are living in darkness.
That is the reason God leaves us here on earth in the midst of our pain. I truly believe that it makes God sad to see us suffer (see Lamentations 3:33). If making us happy were the only goal, God would bring us to heaven to be with Him.

But it’s not.

There are people that still need Him, and we are the ones God wants to use to draw more people into relationship with Himself. Think about it. Why else would God leave us here in difficult circumstances? It can only be that He wants to take as many of us to heaven as possible.

If we don’t tell others about real hope, who will?

Who do you know who needs real hope?

Dear God, give us courage to hold out the hope that we possess. Help us to let your light shine through us so that others can see You. Thank you for making us beautiful and using us in your perfect plan to help others come to You.

Laurie Miller

Laurie Miller

Laurie is a wife, mom, nurse, and patient living with fibromyalgia. She understands first-hand what life is like with chronic pain and illness. Her passion is to help provide others with the spiritual encouragement and resources that she so desperately needed when she was first diagnosed.