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God invites us to cast our cares on Him.

Cast all your care upon Him, because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Learning to Cast

Fishing was integral to my upbringing as a young girl in Montana. In winter, spring, summer, and fall, Dad outfitted my mom, two brothers, my sister, and me with rods, lures, and more. When the weather was nice, we would head to a lake with our small boat. In winter, Dad drove us across those same waters (now frozen solid) for ice fishing. I can still picture him using an auger to drill holes in the ice and then dropping multiple lines down deep. On the surface, we watched expectantly for the first bite.

Despite the frigid temperatures, I preferred ice fishing over lake fishing because it didn’t require me to cast. There was no chance to snarl my line or hook anyone else if the line went astray. Casting to a desired location was tricky, especially on windy days!

Lately, I’ve been thinking about how my childhood fishing experience pertains to 1 Peter 5:7: Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.

Casting is …to throw upon, or place upon. In other words, to fully let go. When I relate this to fishing, I imagine flinging the weight of worry across a pond and then walking away as it disappears into the depths below.


For the past several weeks, increased physical pain and unexpected relationship challenges have made it harder than usual to follow that biblical instruction. Rather than casting, I have found myself dwelling on questions of What? Why? and When?

  • What will I do if this pain continues?
  • Why is this person making such hurtful choices?
  • When will life get easier?

Whether the struggles are my own or regarding people I love, I am having a rough time releasing them to God. Despite fervent prayer, my mind swirls with strategies to manipulate outcomes. I find myself reeling in concerns I previously released to His care.

1 Peter 5:6 offers vital insight: Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.

Humbling myself requires admitting utter dependence on the Lord’s strength and wisdom. He calls me to seek and wait for His will rather than pursue mine. In that place, I experience His peace.


Chronic Joy’s printable resources (Pray for One Another and Prayers for the Journey) are helping me relearn what it means to cast my cares upon God.

Lord, we ask You to lift our burdens, bring relief, and meet each of our cares with Your deep compassion. Will You fill our hearts with Your glorious hope and peace today?

Lord, teach me to forgive from deep in my heart, to seek reconciliation instead of simply avoiding the pain of conflict. Teach me to be more flexible than rigid, more consoling than controlling, quicker to listen, and slower to speak.

Jesus, You walked this earth. You understand our brokenness. You know our pain. I pray for those I know who are anxious, lonely, hurting, desperate, or living in fear. Soothe their pain, calm their fears, and fill them with Your undeniable peace.

God does not intend for us to carry life’s burdens alone. Instead, He tenderly invites us to entrust every detail and aspect of our lives to Him.

I hope you will take the time to explore the Pray for One Another and Prayers for the Journey printables. I believe they will bless you as they blessed me.


Heavenly Father, we praise You for Your steadfast love. Thank You for Your power and grace, far beyond what we can imagine. Please remind us to bring our concerns to You so we may receive Your generous mercy and help. We remember Your past faithfulness and trust You for the future. Amen.

Questions for reflection 

  • What stress/fear/trouble is weighing heaviest in your life right now?
  • What hinders you from casting it on the Lord?
  • What is one step you could take toward releasing it to Him?
Happy Bubbles
Lee Ann Zanon

Lee Ann Zanon

Staff Writer

Lee Ann is passionate about spreading the truth of Scripture. For decades, she served in various women’s ministry roles (including teaching at Corban University for ten years) until chronic pain dramatically changed her life. Her background as a Bible teacher, retreat speaker, worship leader, editor, and writer has prepared her perfectly for her current focus on writing and providing one-on-one encouragement. She and her husband Mike have two adult daughters and five precious grandchildren who live just five minutes away—a gift beyond description! She is the author of Honest Hope.

Pray for One Another

Prayer can move mountains, usher in miracles, and change us, opening our minds to the suffering others face and the circumstances they experience. As we pray, we grow in gratitude, humility, and hope.