Crocheting helped me quiet all the noise inside so that I could focus. (MaryAnne Constantine)
Two days before I was scheduled to speak at a women’s retreat, my son Marcus shared a Chronic Joy post entitled Crocheting as a Spiritual Discipline with me. I was so excited to read the article not only because I love crocheting, but also because one of my retreat topics was spiritual disciplines that help us amid pain, trial, and suffering to be still and know that [He] is God (Psalm 46:10). In the article, I read:
Crocheting helped me quiet all the noise inside so that I could focus. Once I could focus, I found it easier to pray and listen. Crocheting has been linked to reductions in stress and anxiety, a decreased risk of memory loss, and an increase in the ability to cope with chronic pain conditions.
I was excited to share these thoughts with the women—and I had an idea of how to bless them. I always say God’s timing is perfect, even when we only have two days to implement an idea!
My interest in crocheting started nine years ago when my oldest daughter came home from college on Christmas break. She had joined a crochet group at school and arrived home with yarn and beautifully crocheted Christmas gifts for the family. I quickly flashed back to an unfinished scarf I had attempted to crochet as a young girl (It was something my sweet little Italian Momma tried to teach me.). That hobby was short-lived: after completing several rows, I quickly lost interest, my mind filled with thoughts of running free outdoors, riding my bike, and playing with friends.
Fast forward forty years: now, with four children of my own, the time was right! With the guidance of my 20-year-old daughter and the extraordinary invention of YouTube instructional videos, my love for crochet was ignited. Crocheting with a purpose has become my new favorite hobby. I have crocheted sweaters, blankets, tops, hats, prayer shawls, and (recently) bookmarks.
Two days before my retreat, I incorporated the Chronic Joy article’s idea of crocheting as a spiritual discipline into my talk. The Lord also urged me to crochet something for each woman at the retreat. I had previously asked our host for a list of participants to pray over. I searched for something I could quickly crochet for nine women in less than two days. I found it—a bookmark! How complicated could that be? I searched online for a free bookmark crochet pattern and found the perfect one called Diamond Pattern. (You can find the free pattern by Patricia Castillo here.)
I call my hobby crocheting with a purpose because when I crochet something as a gift, I pray for the recipient. With every stitch, I pray. I pray they would know the fruit of the Holy Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). I pray they will know the unconditional love of God and receive His wisdom.
When there are groupings of three stitches together, I pray to the Trinity—Father God, Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit—to guide and direct each recipient to fulfill God’s will and perfect plan for their lives. One stitch, I pray for hope.
I have made a list of God’s blessings to pray over that person. If I know of a specific need, I incorporate that prayer into my crochet piece. If I know of no particular need, I pray for sabbath rest and the joy of the Lord (Things most of us need!). We also need the good news of salvation in Jesus’ name, so for the foundational 34 chain stitches of this diamond pattern, I pray the powerful name of Jesus over every person’s life.
It has brought me so much peace to crochet with a purpose! Being in God’s presence brings me fullness of joy—and when I see the faces of those I’ve prayed for light up as I share my bookmark gifts (crocheted with the love of Jesus and covered in prayer), I receive overflowing blessings. I feel that God has worked through me for His purpose in my life: to be used by God to bring His love to others so they, too, will find peace and joy in Christ.
After reading some excerpts from the Crocheting as a Spiritual Discipline article at that women’s retreat, I reached into my bag to reveal the crocheted Diamond Pattern bookmarks. I let the ladies know that just one day before the gathering, the Lord put it on my heart to exercise this spiritual discipline as I prayed for them. I told them that the diamond shape on the bookmark should remind them of the treasure they are in the eyes of Jesus! In my excitement to share this small gift, I felt like a child receiving a gift on her birthday—but in this case, I couldn’t wait to give it away!
I offered each small gift with the love and encouragement of the Lord, believing in His will that we pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2), encourage each other daily (Hebrews 3:13), and so much more. As Jesus said, it is indeed more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). I am blessed to be a blessing. When I bless others with a small crocheted item, I am blessed again—a double blessing from the Lord!
Since that retreat, I have crocheted and given away over 40 Diamond Pattern bookmarks. I keep the pattern and a small ball of yarn in my purse. I have memorized most of the pattern, so whenever I wait somewhere, I can crochet a bookmark in about five minutes.
Caring for older adults is one of my passions. Many of them enjoy watching me crochet. Recently, as I visited with sweet 90-year-old Christine, I showed her the new pattern. Her eyes lit up, and she smiled from ear to ear. I started praying for her and crocheted the bookmark as she watched and listened. Her eyes filled with tears as I gave her the bookmark. I often tell her how much I love her—and how much Jesus loves and cares for her.
A little bookmark, much love, and heartfelt prayer bless and encourage each recipient (and me)!
I will continue crocheting with a purpose and hope you’ll try it, too. Be blessed!
Father, Thank you for making us creative people. Help us to use our abilities to spend time with You and perhaps bless someone else. Give us the grace to see creativity in a new way. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Can you think of a time that someone blessed you through their creativity?
- Do you have a creative outlet you could envelop in prayer (i.e., crocheting, card making, quilting, painting…)?
Ask God to enable you to recognize opportunities where you can bless others.

MaryAnne Constantine
MaryAnne is a passionate follower of Jesus, wife of forty years to Arthur, and mom to four adult children. A CPA, she founded her own tax business, allowing her to work from home while raising kids. After caring for aging parents in their golden years, she began providing home care for older adults. She also enjoys leading women’s Bible study groups and speaking for retreats. In all she does, MaryAnne seeks to glorify her Lord and Savior and help others experience the joy of His presence!

Simple Crochet Bookmarks
Would you like a quick project to bless someone and use up those bits of yarn left after other projects? Try these simple bookmark patterns: Heartfelt Windows and Flowers Abloom!
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