Show me, Lord. What do You want me to see right now? (Kara Plett)
We just returned from visiting my nieces for their final dance recital of the year. My oldest niece won a trophy for “Most Outstanding Dancer.” I was so proud of her.
As I watched her place the trophy among the other medals and awards in her room, I was taken back to when I was a teenager. Unlike my niece’s room, mine did not have any trophies in it – but at the end of a year of youth group, I was awarded a plaque for “Most Dependable.” My youth leaders felt that I was the most dependable person in the group. I loved how they saw me and acknowledged this attribute in me.
Since then, I have continued to try to be a dependable person—in my relationships, my job, and my volunteer activities. I hope people know they can depend on me. I wanted to be seen this way, and it had become a part of my identity.
Then, my illnesses began…I found myself saying No to more and more opportunities in case I couldn’t fulfill them; I even had to cancel from time to time on short notice. I found it hard to be this person. I talked with God about it early on in my chronic illness journey, but it is something that continues to cause me to grieve. I so want to be someone people can depend on – but my body is not dependable.
This past week, I had to cancel a commitment at the last minute, and I knew my absence would cause others to have to work harder. It plagued me with negative thoughts. However, God loves to work through His people, and it was right around this time that a friend introduced me to a way of praying Show me, Lord, a simple prayer I can say when I don’t know what to say. I sat with God and prayed those three words: Show me, Lord. What do You want me to see right now?
Whenever I began thinking about my lack of dependability over the next minutes, hours, and days, I would say Show me, Lord – and He did.
David reminds us that God wants us to ask for His perspective:
Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. (Psalm 25:4)
When we do ask, He is faithful in showing us how He sees things.
- I am once again valuing the opinions of others over what He thinks of me.
- Even though I am constantly frustrated by my body, He loves who He made me to be.
- I have value even if my body isn’t always working well.
- I can trust others to understand my situation.
- In times like these, I need to press into Him, not into myself or others.
- My absence allows Him to use others to show up when I can’t, which is okay.
- Being His daughter is my true identity – being dependable is not.
The enemy wanted me to condemn myself, but saying this simple Show me, Lord prayer turned my attention to the One who holds all the answers and speaks only truth.
What a gift to have words when I don’t know what to pray! Show Me, Lord.
Dear Father, thank You for always being available to hear us. Thank You for wanting to show us things from Your perspective. Help us to reach out to You with simple prayers like Show me, Lord, to allow You space in our lives to speak and show us what You have for us. You are such a loving Father! In Jesus’ name, amen.
- Would saying the simple Show me, Lord prayer speak to something you are struggling with?
- How does God want you to see things differently? Jot your thoughts down, then spend time over the next few days praying through each one.
- Take some time to look at Chronic Joy’s Show Me Lord printable for more when-to-pray-this-prayer ideas.

Kara Plett
Staff Writer
Kara and her husband Conrad live in Calgary, Canada, where she taught for 28 years. She loves the Word of God and encourages others through her devotional writing. Kara felt led to write a book of devotionals (Searching for Sea Glass) when her journey with chronic illnesses pressed her more deeply into God’s arms of love. She prays that her journey and refinement will encourage your walk with God.

Show Me, Lord Prayer
Are you overwhelmed, weary, discouraged, or unsure of how to live this life you’ve been given? You’re not alone. It is at the point of surrender that we finally begin to hear God speak.
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