The trials God allows to unfold in our lives are never meant to diminish our value or purpose. (Lee Ann Zanon)
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. (Matthew 10:29)
The view from our back deck gives my husband and me a front-row seat to a miracle. We watch birds carry twigs to a nearby bush and weave them into a nest without construction plans or tools. They know just what to do and the exact time when it needs to be finished.
In the following weeks, we delight to hear tiny “peeps” alerting us to new life. We marvel at seeing Mama and Papa Bird guard the nest and deliver an endless food supply to their offspring. However, there’s an occasional sad turn in this story: a baby bird falls and doesn’t survive. If we weren’t observing carefully, we might not have noticed.
How incredible to realize our Heavenly Father keeps an even closer eye on every part of His creation! Scripture emphasizes His special attention to small aspects, including Jesus’ illustration of a sparrow falling to the ground. His parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin (Luke 15:3-10) further reveal His heart for what the world deems small and inconsequential: one sheep, one coin, one person (like you and me).
When I began my chronic pain journey more than three years ago, my world was filled with “big.” I had been a professor at a Christian university, teaching a full complement of courses. I taught large-group Bible studies and frequently spoke at retreats of 100+ women.
My physical challenge came on quickly, with extreme jaw pain primarily triggered by speaking in group settings. It eventually expanded to my neck, causing deep muscle soreness and persistent headaches. As a result, I lost realms of beloved service that had filled my life with purpose. I cried out to God countless times: “Why would You allow these struggles to rob me of what You gifted me to do? How can I serve You now when I feel so limited?”
Over time, I sensed the Holy Spirit asking me to consider my remaining abilities, including the capacity for quiet, one-on-one conversations. Not long afterward, I came across the phrase the power of small. It went straight to my heart, birthing fresh hope.
Although I couldn’t engage with people as I had before, I could share the love of Christ with one person at a time. Whether face-to-face or through writing, I could still encourage others. Small connections could make a big difference. Most of all, my Heavenly Father would count them as precious.
The trials God allows to unfold in our lives are never meant to diminish our value or purpose. He desires to bring forth new treasures of faith and grace, gifts we can share (whether that’s noticed or not). The Lord asks us to simply offer what we have, trusting Him to use it for His glory and good plans.
Heavenly Father, I bring You what I have today. It feels so small, yet I know it’s what You desire. Please show me how I can share the love and truth of Jesus despite my limitations. Thank You for helping me know Your will as I walk the path of chronic pain or illness. I love and worship You. Amen.
- How has chronic pain or illness limited your ability to serve God and others?
- How have those challenges impacted your sense of purpose or worth?
- How can you still live out your faith, even if it looks different than in the past?

Lee Ann Zanon
Staff Writer
Lee Ann is passionate about spreading the truth of Scripture. For decades, she served in various women’s ministry roles (including teaching at Corban University for ten years) until chronic pain dramatically changed her life. Her background as a Bible teacher, retreat speaker, worship leader, editor, and writer has prepared her perfectly for her current focus on writing and providing one-on-one encouragement. She and her husband Mike have two adult daughters and five precious grandchildren who live just five minutes away—a gift beyond description! She is the author of Honest Hope.

Celebrate Little Things Everyday
Celebrate each small win, every tiny triumph, and every unexpected victory, even if today your milestone is just a pebble.
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