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God’s peace is resplendent with beauty … untouched by circumstances and unscathed by chaos.

God’s peace is resplendent with beauty … untouched by circumstances and unscathed by chaos.


 I love the word prevail, especially when paired with peace. Knowing I can experience inner calm, even when chronic pain triggers anxiety, settles my soul.

When my chronic pain journey began, I assumed I would discover effective treatment and life would return to normal. I had already dealt with an array of difficult physical problems and had found ways to overcome them.

More than four years later, the pain has increased rather than diminished. Doubt and fear have become unwelcome companions, threatening to hold my heart hostage. This reality was magnified recently when my husband wanted to start planning an upcoming vacation. A surge of anxiety swirled within me, making it impossible to focus. I finally told him I couldn’t talk about it.

As I prayed and pondered our conversation, I began to understand my response. I’d just experienced seven straight days of intense neck and jaw pain resulting from a trip to visit relatives. We had so much fun, and I was thankful for our time away, but it came at a high price. I simply couldn’t deal with the idea of future travel, even though it wouldn’t happen for several months.

A little while later, the Holy Spirit prompted me to scan Chronic Joy’s website for encouragement. I discovered a printable resource entitled “Promise of Abundant Peace.” Its honesty resonated with what I felt: God’s peace is available to us no matter how painful or hopeless our situation seems, yet while we long for peace, it often seems to elude us.


“What Is Stealing Our Peace?” came next, naming aspects such as anxiety, chronic pain, and the future. Accompanying verses brought fresh hope. I wasn’t alone or helpless. God restored my sense of well-being as I focused my mind on Him.

  • “The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.” (Psalm 29:11)
  • “Lord, You establish peace for us.” (Isaiah 26:12a)
  • “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way.” (2 Thessalonians 3:16a)
  • “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts …” (Colossians 3:15a)

I breathed deeply and sensed God’s tranquil assurance. I recalled His consistent and specific help, recently and in times past. The following day, I told my husband I was ready to discuss plans for the months ahead. That brought a smile to both of us!

God’s peace is resplendent with beauty … untouched by circumstances and unscathed by chaos (from Chronic Joy’s printable Promise of Abundant Peace).


Thank You, Lord, for Your compassion. You understand my pain-related anxiety and invite me to bring it to You. I do so now, grateful that Your peace can prevail even when my struggles feel overwhelming. You are greater, and You are good. Amen.


  • What aspect of your chronic pain or illness steals your peace?
  • How do you process troubling thoughts or emotions that arise?
  • What biblical truth can you turn to for help?
Golden Bubbles
Lee Ann Zanon

Lee Ann Zanon

Staff Writer

Lee Ann is passionate about spreading the truth of Scripture. For decades, she served in various women’s ministry roles (including teaching at Corban University for ten years) until chronic pain dramatically changed her life. Her background as a Bible teacher, retreat speaker, worship leader, editor, and writer has prepared her perfectly for her current focus on writing and providing one-on-one encouragement. She and her husband Mike have two adult daughters and five precious grandchildren who live just five minutes away—a gift beyond description! She is the author of Honest Hope.

Promise of Abundant Peace

God’s peace is altogether different from the peace of the world because God’s peace is not a gift; it’s a person: God’s own Son, Jesus, the Prince of Peace. God’s peace is abundant, unspeakable, generous, plentiful, extravagant, lavish, expansive, affectionate, and never-ending.