Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25)
So, Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.” (John 5:19)
Jesus did only what God, His Father, asked of Him. All of us (in particular, those of us living with chronic illnesses) need to learn by His example. If we don’t, we face scenarios like the one that follows.
“Can you bake for the community meal next week?” asked our community liaison person.
“Sure,” I answered quickly. “What do you need?”
“We’re doing sheet cakes because they’re easy to cut and serve. Oh, and we’re the ones serving too. Want to join us? It only takes about three hours.”
“Of course,” I replied. “I’ll be there.”
Even as we look at already full calendars, we seem wired to say “Yes.” Service opportunities, dinners with friends, coffee dates, ministry work—the list goes on. I can feel my muscles begin to tense just thinking about it. That’s before I add writing projects, household chores, time with my husband, and quiet time with God (who should never fall to the bottom of the list).
How did this happen? Not only are my priorities misaligned, but I also already know that I cannot fulfill all these commitments. Both my body and spirit will suffer from the attempt.
Beware of outstripping God by your very longing to do His will. We run ahead of Him in a thousand and one activities. Consequently, we get so burdened with persons and difficulties that we do not worship God; we do not intercede. (Oswald Chambers)
A myriad of opportunities come our way, and while most of them are worthwhile, meaningful, and even intriguing, we need to ask the Lord which ones He wants us to pursue.
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25)
Lord, I know there are days when You will ask us to slow down and other days when You will request us to push and do more. Help us to stop and listen to You first, not run ahead or lag behind. May we release time into Your hands, allowing You to order our days. Help us become more like Jesus. It is in His name that I pray.
- Think of a time when you added so many things to your schedule that you couldn’t possibly do them all without neglecting other things (like self-care).
- When was the last time you said “Yes” when you knew you should say “No?”
- How do you know when you are overwhelmed? What does it feel like?

Karin Fendick
Chronic Joy® Staff Writer and Prayer Team
Karin is a handmaiden of the Lord, saved by grace, a worshiper, a poet, a broken heart, a lover of words, His work in progress on the Potter's wheel. She is hungry for truth and amazed by love. After five years in Africa, Karin and Rick (her beloved husband of almost twenty-five years) are back in rural Canada, where chronic pain drives her to the feet of Jesus. She is powered by prayer, love, and many cups of strong coffee. She is the author of From Ashes to Glory (A Psalm a Day).

Self-Care for your Soul
Spend a little time getting to know God better: who He is, what He’s like, how He feels about us, and how He acts toward His creation. Sabbath rest helps us discover the peace only found when we trust in God's presence.
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