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Laughter is a powerful, healing tool.

Laughter changes our perspective and invites us to see things in a fresh new way. (Susan Sparks)


A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)

A few years ago, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to two immunotherapy researchers for their work on unleashing the body’s immune system to attack cancer.

As a breast cancer survivor, I say Amen! Thanks to advances like this (including innovative treatments and early detection), I am a 12-year survivor; well … innovative treatments, early detection, and (of course) laughter.


Yes. As a comedienne, minister, and cancer survivor, I believe laughter is one of the most powerful tools for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Laughter is definitely something we should celebrate.

There is overwhelming scientific evidence supporting the health benefits of humor. For example, the extra air intake from laughing can lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, enhance heart and lung function, and increase endorphins. It can even bump up our calorie burn—laughing for 15 minutes can burn 80 calories. That’s enough to justify a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup!

Hospitals and treatment centers are now using humor as a healing tool for cancer, Alzheimer’s, autism, and mental health issues. For example, the Big Apple Clown Care Unit sponsors programs across the country in which clowns help children cope with the intimidating atmosphere of a hospital.

Stand Up for Mental Health is a program that uses standup comedy training to reduce the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental illness. Program founder David Granirer explains: The idea is that laughing at our setbacks raises us above them. It makes people go from despair to hope, and hope is crucial to anyone struggling with adversity.


Humor and laughter can also bring psychological healing. During my cancer struggle, I realized I had three choices: be mad, be sad, or laugh. I soon learned that the most powerful approach was to laugh. One day, a new patient walked into the radiation center with a T-shirt that read: Yes, they are fake; my old ones tried to kill me. The entire waiting room burst out laughing. That moment of laughter reminded us that cancer was not who we were; it was only something we were experiencing.

Laughter changes our perspective and invites us to see things in a fresh new way. The ability to step back and laugh at ourselves also reminds us that we are only human and should be more forgiving of ourselves. As the serenity prayer teaches: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Of course, I like the senility prayer better: God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference. Either way, laughter helps us see ourselves in a more forgiving light.

Spiritual healing may be where laughter is most powerful.  A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)

The Hebrew word ruach means both spirit and air. Therefore, it can be said that when we laugh, we inhale and exhale the spirit—or as author Anne Lamott describes it: Laughter is carbonated holiness.


Why not laugh? God has a sense of humor. Consider 1 Samuel 5:9, where God strikes the entire male population of Philistines with hemorrhoids (harsh but funny). The fact that we are made in the image of the divine and laugh and feel joy suggests a part of the divine must also laugh.

The willingness to laugh with God also allows us to express anger with God. Sometimes, we blame or get mad at God for what we are going through, but to work through that anger, we have to share it. To be healed, we must bring God all our pieces: anger, sadness, fear, and laughter. It’s all holy.

So, here’s to the immunotherapy researchers, doctors, nurses, technicians, and everyone whose lives are dedicated to caring for and healing us—God bless them! Most of all, God bless the gift of laughter—the one thing that may save us all.


Father, thank You for Your lovely gift of laughter! Thank You that we can bring all our emotions to You: anger, sadness, fear, and amusement. Please help us to come to a place of hope through laughter, even in the middle of our hurt. You know just what we need. In Jesus’ name, amen.


  • Do you think of humor as one of God’s characteristics?
  • Can you remember a time when laughter helped change your perspective?

  • Reread and ponder this quote: The idea is that laughing at our setbacks raises us above them. It makes people go from despair to hope, and hope is crucial to anyone struggling with adversity.

Happy Bubbles
Rev. Susan Sparks

Rev. Susan Sparks

A trial lawyer turned standup comedienne and Baptist minister, Susan is the senior pastor of the historic Madison Avenue Baptist Church in New York City. She is also a professional comedienne with the Laugh in Peace Tour. Susan is the author of five books, a TEDx speaker, and an award-winning, nationally syndicated columnist. Most importantly, Susan and her husband Toby love to fly fish, ride their Harleys, and eat great BBQ. Check out her books Laugh Your Way to Grace and Love, a Tiara, and a Cupcake.

Laughter is Good Medicine

Laughter is a respite from the difficulties and unexpected challenges of chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability. Humor is an oasis of God’s joy in the midst of life’s storms.